I am thinking…
about whether it is best for Rosie to compete with her team in an upcoming race, or would it be better for her to compete alone and see how she does alone running with a group of strangers.
On the one hand, I think running alone would force her to listen to her body and not be influenced by how she perceives her team mates are doing. But on the other hand, running is not just about competition – it is also about camaraderie. Maybe I just should let her make the decision.
I’m also thinking about the flute piece I am working on. I am starting to have bad dreams about it!
I am thankful…
I still have six months before I need to perform this piece!
I am pondering…
the wisdom of sharing stories with millennials. When it’s good, it’s a lot of fun! But when it’s not, it’s horrid!
I am hearing…
tinnitus, the computer hum, and a little bird tweeting out side!
In the kitchen…
Chicken and chicken soup!
I am wearing…
Black Skort and black and gray striped shirt.
I am going…
- to walk or work out every day with Pfilates
- add some additional novenas next year with the help of PrayMoreNovenas.com
- to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan recommendations
and intermittent fasting.
- Preparing my general science lesson for Wednesday. I did buy a lap top and we did watch part of a DVD on the Dead Sea Scrolls.
- Get all the scraping done at the flip house even though Miss C is allowed to spend the night at her father’s house and her room looks lovely!
- Taking izzy to work five times this week!
- Taking Rosie to her championship meet this weekend.
- I am going to get into this dress for my concert in April. I ordered it back in August because one of the reviewers said she bought it after she had a baby and even though she weighed 210 pounds, it looked great on her. She was also my height, so I figured, if she liked it, maybe it would look good on me too. It didn’t. But it might if I persist in my diet (low-carb and intermittent fasting). If you want to see an intermittent fasting success story- check out Jimmy Akin’s site.
I’m going to be sharing a weight loss story later this week. I know I said that last week.
I have the Audible app on my phone as I walk the trails during cross country practice or work on the flip house scraping paint.
I started listening to this because I was alarmed about what Noah was hearing in his bio ethics class and I wanted to be able to debate this with him knowledgeably.
From the Learning Rooms…
Rosie is also taking a writing class online using the Once Upon a Time Saint series as the writing
We have a schedule! Rosie writes her history paper every Monday based on what she has read in her history the week before. Also on Monday, she reads her assignment in Once Upon a Saint. Then on Tuesday she writes her assignment for that class, and turns in her paper. Thursday is for revisions.
A quote to share…
When I was desperately looking for ways to help Calvin learn to read, the Writer’s Jungle by Bravewriter’s Julie Bogart was a source of great inspiration to me. This fall, I’m going to be sharing some of my favorite parts that really helped me teach my kids to write – from the absolute most recalcitrant writer, to the kid who has prose and poetry just dripping out of her!
Revision is not about fixing all the mechanical problems. It’s not the
“copying over” stage of paper writing. Revision is giving new vision to
the slowly forming piece. It’s about rewriting and adding new bits of
writing to the original. It’s about attacking the bushy undergrowth with a
hatchet and planting some new seeds.
A picture to share…