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Outside my window…
Halloween 2017

Around here, we do trick-or-treat on the weekend before Halloween usually. Every locality is a little different so you  have to check online or with the newspaper to figure out when TOT is! When I was growing up, it was always on the actual night of October 31. So this is what it looked like when the kids went trick-or-treating Saturday night.

I am thinking…
Back in 2002, my sister-in-law and I were pregnant at the same time. I remember thinking how fortunate those two cousins would be to have each other to visit with during family reunions and get-togethers. But my baby, unfortunately, died in utero. He was a little boy.
A few months later, my niece was born. We sent a portrait of Our Lady for her nursery when we got the news of her birth. However, it was a while before I could bring myself to actually see her. I guess my loss was just a little too raw and painful. I don’t think I set eyes on her until she was around three years old.

Since then I’ve seen her at reunions and weddings. We got her something for her first communion. She and Rosie became friends and look forward to seeing each other.

So with all that in mind, I was stunned to see pictures of her on Facebook in her pretty dress going to her school’s homecoming dance!  It means she is a teenager and a high school student – which also means that the child I lost would also be a teenager and a high school student if he were alive today. I find myself thinking a lot of “what ifs” about this, probably even more so because his 15th birthday is tomorrow.

I am thankful…
for Miss C., who just turned 4 years old.

I am pondering…
God’s goodness in sending my Granddaughter to us during this time of the year. It certainly causes me to forget any lingering grief and regret because I have so much life to see and nurture in Miss C.

Halloween 2017

One of my Favorite Things…

Rosie – who is awesome at posing!
Halloween 2017
Halloween 2017
Calling Audrey Hepburn!

I am hearing…
Tinnitus and the computer – wondering why I’m not hearing Rosie and Miss C. talking downstairs?

In the kitchen…
I’m thinking a Paleo Beef Stew sounds good for tonight!

I am wearing…
Black paints, black thermal long-sleeved shirt and the last day for my Halloween Holiday Sweater!

I am going…

  • to walk or work out every day with Pfilates  – starting to transition to my basement workouts WHICH I AM NOT LOOKING FORWARD TOO!!
  • add some additional novenas next year with the help of PrayMoreNovenas.com 
  • to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan recommendations and intermittent fasting.  
  • Preparing my general science lesson for Wednesday. The Geology Cake lesson went great. Teaching a lesson on fossils tomorrow
  • Back to scraping on the flip house.  
  • Taking Izzy to work five times this week!  
  • Two weddings in November to coordinate!
  • Play for All Saints Day mass tomorrow.
  • Prepare to do the Novenas for the Dead in November. 
I am reading…

This is a pretty good read so far! Really fills in the gaps of information I had about this important historical figure.

This is the book my flute teacher recommended to me years ago, It’s about mastering your inner self and giving your best performance! It’s applicable to musicians too. In fact, another musician friend who plays a keyboard instrument got the same book recommendation from her teacher! 

I have the Audible  app on my phone as I walk the trails during cross country practice or work on the flip house scraping paint.

From the Learning Rooms…

Adobe Spark (20)


Prairie Primer  –  The Long Winter

Children’s Choir at Oaks of Righteousness Co-Op and with the parish choir. 

Rosie is also taking a writing class online using the Once Upon a Time Saint series as the writing

We have a schedule!  Rosie writes her history paper every Monday based on what she has read in her history the week before. Also on Monday, she reads her assignment in Once Upon a Saint. Then on Tuesday she writes her assignment for that class, and turns in her paper. Thursday is for revisions.

A quote to share…

When I was desperately looking for ways to help Calvin learn to read, the Writer’s Jungle by Bravewriter’s Julie Bogart was a source of great inspiration to me. This fall, I’m going to be sharing some of my favorite parts that really helped me teach my kids to write – from the absolute most recalcitrant writer to the kid who has prose and poetry just dripping out of her!

The Writer’s Jungle

Just get it down on paper, and
then we’ll see what to do about
—Maxwell Perkins

A Photo to Share

Princess Peach meets Wolfie. She wasn’t too sure about it either!
Halloween 2017

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