The 12- Keys to High School Success – The Free HomeScholar Webinar

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Rosie is entering the 7th grade this year. I have two more years before I have to start thinking about homeschooling high school again. But I remember approaching it with a little dread the first time and feeling overwhelmed and worried about getting it right.

It was the practical things that worried me at first – what the heck is a credit and how do I decide whether or not my child has earned one? What if homeschooling high school doesn’t work? What if my kids can’t get into college? or worse – what if they can’t get a job? 

How can we get everything done? What if my child hates homeschooling? How do I know what to teach and what curriculum to use?
After doing a lot of my own research, I happily stumbled upon Lee Binz’s website – The HomeScholar. The first webinar I listened to was absolutely free and it gave me the information and confidence to keep homeschooling into the high school years. I re-listened to it many times since then as I guided four of my kids through the high school years. 

This month,  Lee is offering a similar webinar – a live workshop – The 12 Keys to High School success.

 If you like getting free information that will help you succeed at homeschooling high school, then save one of the following dates:

The 12 Keys to High School Success
July 13 at 3:00PM PST
July 14 at 11:00AM PST

Register for either date, attend the workshop, and get:

  • your questions answered
  • recharged for the coming homeschool year
  • helpful information for homeschooling high school with renewed confidence
  • solid strategies to make homeschooling easier and more rewarding for you and your children
  • an eight-page workbook (for attendees only)

After the workshop is over, Lee Binz will be answering your questions, live! Now is the perfect time to get your homeschooling high school questions answered before the homeschool year begins.

Get a boost of encouragement and lots of proven tips from this wonderful, seasoned homeschool mom sharing her valuable tidbits.

Register for The 12 Keys to High School Success here! 

P.S. Be sure to register for the free workshop here  and get your free eight page workbook for attendees only!


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