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1.  Every time we go to the local library branch, Miss C. runs to the fish tank to say hello to Frank, the Fish. This week, she started to run to the tank and the librarians desperately tried to stop her!  It seems poor Frank is swimming with the angels. 

I took her aside and tried to explain to her that Frank died, and that we couldn’t see him anymore, but that we could always remember how happy he made us. Of course, I had a catch in my throat and tears in my eyes, and the librarians were all standing around doe eyed.  I don’t think Miss C was buying any of it.

She did leave a note of remembrance on his tank though. It’s in her own special language. She told me later it said, “It’s Okay. You’ll feel better.”


Then she started asking me all of those questions about heaven, and Jesus, and why didn’t Jesus just send Frank back, and what does he need with a fish anyway.

Next semester, Noah is taking an End-of-Life Ethics class.  I think Miss C should give the oral exam. If the students make her cry or break her spirit – they fail the course!


2.  We go to this branch of the library a lot. So much, that I noticed they even had my picture on the bulletin board! And as I rarely like my own pictures, but thought this one was pretty good, I took a quick picture of it with my phone. 


Gabe was also on the wall of fame!  and of course Miss C. is in both pictures!

3.  Speaking of the library  – ours now lets us take out cake pans!  How cool is that!

4. Someone actually said this to me this week on Facebook:

You may feel like sometimes in real life you don’t get to be idealistic and you have to make sacrifices.

So let me be clear – I absolutely feel that sometimes in real life,  you don’t get to be idealistic and you have to make sacrifices. It’s called being a grown up.

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5.  Calvin had a birthday this week. So I posted his very first formal portrait.  That’s him with a scowl on the left.   In his usual dry manner, he asked, “Why did this happen?”   So his aunt told him.  It’s hysterical and so is his visual response!
7.  Friday Freebie – A Parents Guide to Grades, Credits and Transcripts .   This was one of the first talks I heard Lee give when I started homeschooling high school years ago. This is kind of funny, but one of the takeaways that run through my head just about every day that we homeschool is that if your student is annoying you – that’s not A work!  It could be B work but it’s probably C work! You can imagine that Noah had a lot of fun with that his last year of high school!

If you find that helpful, you might want to consider Lee’s other products, like the High School Solution.

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  • For you visual learners, here’s a quick summary: https://homehighschoolhelp.com/handouts/what-is-in-the-high-school-solution.pdf

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