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Grass update – better than last week.
I am thinking…
about whether or not I want to look for a part-time job this summer, or wait until the fall.
There are no jobs in town as a medical transcriptionist. Most physicians have been pretty much forced to enter their own data to be in compliance with the electronic medical record and the Affordable Care Act.
So basically, the physician with 11 years of training, is expected to interface with a laptop in the exam room while trying to get information from a patient.
This used to be called data entry.
There are variations on this though. Some doctors have medical scribes – a new job where a scribe (usually a medical student) follows the doctor around and enters the data for him. I have also had the experience of giving my information to an LPN and then sitting around for 15 minutes while the nurse typed up the medical report right in front of me. Oh, the irony of having a health professional trained in clinical techniques with a typing speed of about 30 creating a report in front of me, a medical transcriptionist with decades of experience and a typing speed of around 100!
The work is going to get done – the system is still trying to figure out the best way to do it.
What’s clear though, is the doctor dictating his notes and then having those notes transcribed is out because the PTB think filling out computer screens is more efficient and time-saving.
Interestingly, jobs for Medical Assistants are numerous and plenty – that’s where I started out years ago, and I think I may be headed back that way.
I am thankful…
for the years I had. Transcribing from home helped me pay for things like piano lessons, swim club, and art class for my kids. Ironically, on my 5th child’s 18th birth, I got the notification that the era of homebound medical transcription was over for me. The irony of was also not lost on me.
I am pondering…
where to go from here.
I am also pondering blog posts regarding my granddaughter. So fair warning to blog readers – my granddaughter is going to be living a life being shuttled between her mother and father. I’m not going to blog about their personal business, but only about grandparenting a child in that situation and “issues and events that affect My Domestic Church.” This place is still a sharing of joys and sorrows – but they are my joys and sorrows and that’s all I can share.
One of my Favorite things
Homemade blender bread – grain free, low carb – I live on this stuff.
I am hearing…
my tinnitus – and I wonder if not wearing headphones for transcribing any more will clear that up a little bit.
In the kitchen…
Meatloaf tonight!
I am wearing…
Walking shorts, blue T-shirt – ready to get in a 4-mile walk this morning.
I am going…
- to walk or work out every day with Pfilates . I’m walking on the trail every day now, working in arms and abs.
- to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan
recommendations. I am still limiting carbs but I am really trying the intermittent fasting now. I fast for about 16 hours between 7 p.m. and 11 a.m. and my walking time happens during those hours. So far, no problems.
- Practicing Bach’s Sonata in E flat.
- Plan my General Science class.
- Helping Gabe with his resume.
Also I started listening to this book after I heard the author on Kresta in the Afternoon on Ave Maria Radio.
This is an awesome book for anyone who wants to understand gender issues in this country and where we stand as a society.
From the Learning Rooms…
Izzy and Dad adding the last of the replacement windows!
A quote to share…
Mao was a schoolteacher, so was Mussolini, so were many other prominent warlike leaders of our time, including Lyndon Johnson. In Hoffer’s characterization, the true believer is identified by inner fire, “a burning conviction we have a holy duty to others.” Lack of humor is one touchstone of true belief.
John Taylor Gatto – Underground History of American Education Page 95
A picture to share…
Miss C – holding up the tiger poster for the Library Lady during story time.