Simple Woman

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Outside my window…


I am thinking…
about the nice offer I received to play in a concert next April. I got the gig because someone heard the CD from the Seven Last Words of Christ that I did on Palm Sunday. I’m thrilled for the opportunity and looking forward to the challenge.

I am thankful…
for my mother, who instilled a love of music in me and helped me develop as a flutist over the years.

I am pondering…

I was raised in a broken home of sorts. My parents separated and I grew up across the country, in the home of my maternal grandparents with my mother, sister and bachelor uncle. But I had a great childhood. I loved my family very much and I remember spending most holidays with them and friends of my grandparents, the Sunsteadts.

But I never, ever, except for my very first Christmas, spent any holidays with my father or my father’s family. I have no memories of Easters or Christmas with him, or 4th of July or even Memorial or Labor day – certainly no birthdays, or graduations or even dance recitals. In fact, my father never ever saw me dance until he took me to one of my dance classes when I was in my early 20s. I don’t think he ever heard me play the flute either.

I think I am dwelling on all of this because my only grandchild is also growing up in a broken home and even though the two parts of her family are geographically close, in other ways they are worlds apart. It’s become clear to me over the past year or so that holidays are going to be problematic when it comes to “sharing” Miss C, and Mother’s Day was the tipping point for me. On  a day for honoring mothers and grandmothers, I didn’t get to see my granddaughter at all – not even for a few moments and a picture after mass, or dessert after dinner.

I get it. We have her 30 hours a week for childcare and that’s important. But holidays and holiday memories have a way of searing themselves into the memory. The special sights, sounds, smells, and foods of the different holidays are important – maybe more so because of who we share these things with. I regret not having at least some of those memories with my father.

So instead of fighting or complaining, I’m going to do something pro-active and make sure we celebrate these things either the day before the big holiday or the day after. It will be challenging, especially for working adult children who have to finagle days off, but it’s worth it to make sure that this type of memory-making gets done.

One of my Favorite things

I got some very nice things for mother’s day, including a lilac bush from Izzy and Noah, a beautiful card from my Goddaughter, flowers from Gabe, and candy from Sarah and Calvin. Rosie gave me this – it’s very special to me.


I am hearing…
Some rustling in the kitchen

In the kitchen…
Simple easy things this week, but I want to try this on Friday.  Cheesy baked Spaghetti Squash. 

I am wearing…
Gray pants, purple shirt, walking shoes

I am going…

I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…

    Adobe Spark


    Prairie Primer  – Social Studies and Science this semester!
    Saxon Math Grade 6

    Trail Guide to Bible Geography

    Children’s Choir at Oaks of Righteousness Co-Op
    Isadora: Senior year!
    Art Studies at Akrona Art

    Parish Choir St. Sebastians

    Spelling U See Per Dr. Holinga
    Saturday Soccer League

    A quote to share…

    LOL. Noah knows me so well!!

    A picture to share…


    Magic Cabin Birthday cakes, Cake Delivery, Bake Me A Wish

    (Visited 25 times, 1 visits today)

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    1 Comment

    1. How about Grandparent's Day? It is usually around Sept 10th. That is what we have decided as a family. I hear from my kids- but they want to be home with their kids on Mother's Day and not rush around to get to my house.
      There was a bit of a tiff this year with one of my nieces. She has three under four and wanted the day to be as their small family. My sister in law agreed that it was her day- she was the active Mom in her little's lives- but the family dinner would be the Saturday before. It all worked out great. No hard feelings. Seems you are on the same line of thought.

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