1. About a month ago, I started thinking about what I might request for Mother’s Day.
There were two things I really wanted.
- I wanted a lilac bush to replace the one that we had to get rid of when we built the TARDIS in our backyard. I really missed having my own lilac blossoms and being able to take those out to the cemetery and I thought about how much I would appreciate having a new lilac bush.
- A piano shawl to cover my mother’s old Steinway piano. A shawl would be very period for this piece and it would just look wonderful on the piano in my living room.
2. Rosie ankles are pain free. She has been doing her stretching and strengthening exercises. But she completely missed the rest of her track season.
I know I’m a bad parent for saying this but I absolutely did not miss driving to practice or giving up my Sunday for track meets. I’m seriously wondering if maybe she could skip next season too and just run 5 K’s in the spring.
3. I mentioned on Tuesday that I have been asked to play a concert next April and I have been organizing my music to try to pick out things to play. It has been such a nostalgic trip for me to see the writing of my teachers on this Bach Sonata or that Mozart Concerto.
As I was going through this old music I came to realize that I had truly been blessed with some great teachers! and a Mom who was willing to start me out with some private lessons that have helped me tremendously throughout my playing career.
4. Izzy’s formal dance is this evening. Since this is totally run by the parents, Mr. Pete, Rosie and i are working as bussers at the dinner table – and Rosie is so excited about doing this! She wants to see the dance, she wants to see the dresses and most of all – she wants to be a part of it!
This is a funny thing I have noticed about homeschooled kids- they have a different reaction to things. When I was in 6th grade, (heck, when I was in high school) the idea of clearing tables or serving like that would have been anathema to me! But Rosie loves it. The idea of being a pirate would have been distasteful too – but Rosie embraced it! Maybe it’s because peer pressure isn’t an issue for the homeschooled. Whatever it is, I’m grateful for her embracing attitude!
5. Calvin and Sarah are up again this weekend – this time for the actual wedding they are participating in. They have been up two other times – once for the bridal shower and once for the bachelor and bachelorette party. We have managed to see them a little, but in no way, shape or form could this be construed as a family visit. It was a local visit with opportunities for us to see them sprinkled in. Calvin said they probably won’t be back again this year because they’re just over the 16 hour round-trip drive for a while and I don’t blame them.
So, maybe we’ll take a drive down there. We’ll have to see how it works out because I would like to get my flip house on the market and Mr. Pete is getting inundated with summer work, and I have a graduation to plan – but I wouldn’t mind seeing their new house sometime this summer.
6. Dear millennials. We love you to pieces. And we are so happy that you are getting married and starting families of your own.
But…some of you we haven’t seen since you graduated from high school, and chances are we have NOT met your fiance at all.
So about those “Save the Date” cards – although we get that you are deeply in love and kissing and gazing into each other’s eyes are your favorite pass times, But please, please, please – when you send us a picture give us a full, face front, big smiling picture.
Pictures in full profile where you gaze at each other or worse… a close up of you kissing each other, do not really give us a chance to see you or your intended, and it’s not really something I want to pin on the bulletin board or stick to the fridge!
Not for an engagement or save the date announcement!!!
This! Forward facing – big smiles. Can see both!
7. Izzy got her temporary driver’s license this week. I had her taking an online course but she started nagging me with, “Mom, let’s just take the test and see if I can pass.”
So to placate her, I took her down to the BMV. I thought if she didn’t pass the test she would just continue with this course and quit giving me a hard time about it.
And Darned if she didn’t pass the written test on the first try!
SO we have been out driving twice. Written proficiency does not translate into automatic driving skill. In fact, so far I have only had one kid who took to driving immediately as if he had grown up driving! But that’s not Izzy. The first day behind the wheel she almost hit a tree – at 5 mph , but still my heart was pounding. Then yesterday I had her driving around the neighborhood with her hazard lights on because she is driving so slow and cautiously. When she went to make a left turn, the car behind her tried to pass on the left (he really came up much faster than the 25 mph speed limit) and almost hit the car. That’s when I got to see Izzy’s fast reaction time which was impressive.
I told Mr. Pete – he could take her out this weekend. My nerves are shot for one week.