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Outside my window…
Technically this is “inside” my window, but this is my pretty kitty basking in the warm sunlight as it came through the window at the top of the stairs. I couldn’t resist getting this picture of her.
I am thinking…
about a sermon I heard from our parochial vicar on Easter Sunday. He reminded us that the 12 apostles were just regular guys – just like most of us. But they lived with Jesus, ate with him, slept near him, and listened to his teachings for three years, yet they STILL didn’t fully understand what he was trying to teach them. If those guys, who all became great saints, couldn’t get it, how could those of us who only grace the inside of the church for one or two hours a year possibly hope to understand Jesus Christ and his teachings? I thought that was a wonderful observation and a very bold thing to say to the Easter/Christmas Catholics who were undoubtedly just there because of the holiday.
I am thankful…
Divine Mercy Sunday and the indulgence my family is working on for Irene.
I am pondering…
a discussion on Facebook that came up over the weekend in one of my homeschool groups. The OP wrote:
I am amazed at the concern people have over transcripts and credits. I have four grown children. I never did transcripts or credits. Three of them were accepted to college. The other had no desire to go. Honestly, high school is a waste of time. Take on line classes. Go to a community college. Use distant education. If your child takes classes they are a transfer student. Be creative. We don’t have to do it like everyone else. Lots of other ways to further their education.
This post actually intrigued me. I wondered how this homeschool mom was able to get her kids into college without creating a transcript and I also wanted to hear her thoughts on why she thought high school was such a waste of time. But I gotta say, the original poster took a lot of flack for posting that. In fact a lot of people said they were offended! I guess I’m not reading it right because I don’t see anything offensive in it. If the discussion had been allowed to continue I would have pointed out that the op wasn’t alone on her assessment of high school.
I’m also pondering Izzy’s last few months of senior year – and how beautiful she is!
One of my Favorite things
watching Gabe ref little kid soccer games!
I am hearing…
In the kitchen…
Cinnamon pork chops and salad
I am wearing…
my workout clothes.
I am going…
- to walk or work out every day with Pfilates .
- to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan
recommendations – no more than 15 grams of carbs per meal.
- start Miss C. on a regular program at the library.
- to watch the end of Bates Motel tonight – kind of rooting for Norman to survive and get some treatment!
From the Learning Rooms…
Skills for Language Arts James Stobaugh
Studies in World History – James Stobaugh
Exploring Creation with Botany
Parish Choir St. Sebastians
Saturday Soccer League
A quote to share…
A picture to share…
Rosie is allowed to participate in soccer and bike riding as long as her pain level is not more than 3/10. If the pain distracts her, or if she has to modify the activity, she has to stop. But she played soccer on Saturday and ran a little and it did not bother her much. Hopefully with some stretching and strengthening her tendons will repair themselves and she will be back to her regular running schedule.