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Outside my window…

No Two Are Alike
Laszlo Ilyes via Flickr, licensed cc

I am thinking…

about how hard it is to get back into the swing of school after a break – especially a break filled with some influenza!

I am thankful…
that Noah did so well academically last semester. This was his first time being graded solely by instructors other than me, and although I thought he would do well, it’s nice to have that verified. When the Dean’s List is finally online, I hope to see his name there. Last night at the Cross Country Banquet he had the 4th highest GPA on the team.

I am pondering…
keeping a more regular prayer life, blogging more, getting some other activities in for Miss C., and planning Izzy’s graduation. I’m also pondering the classic homeschool conundrum – how to get more socialization into my oldest daughter’s life – not that she’s complaining because she’s not. Maybe it’s just something I want for her.

I am hearing…
the computer.

In the kitchen…
Roast Chicken tonight

I am wearing…
Gray pants, black shirt, gray hoodie.

I am going…

I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…

    Adobe Spark


    Prairie Primer  – Social Studies
    Saxon Math Grade 6

    Exploring Creation with Botany

    Trail Guide to Bible Geography
    CYO Cross Country practice
    Children’s Choir at Oaks of Righteousness Co-Op
    Isadora: Senior year!
    Art Studies at Akrona Art

    Parish Choir St. Sebastians

    Spelling U See Per Dr. Holinga
    Saturday Soccer League

    A quote to share…

    “If you can’t be a hero, you can at least be funny while being a chicken.” 
    ― Ina May Gaskin

    A picture to share…

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    1. You are right when you mention that it is a challenge to return to school after a long break! I only have one more child to homeschool and sometimes it feels like he is ten kids rather than one. My four older children are in college. They were homeschooled until ninth grade upon which they entered private high schools. They've all maintained their Faith! I enjoyed your post…happy homeschooling!

    2. What a lovely snowflake picture at the top of your post. Thank you for giving us a quick peek into your family's life. The roast chicken dinner sure sounds yummy.

      Wishing you glimpses of heaven in unexpected places all through this new year. Brenda

    3. Your daughter is beautiful and I know you are so proud of your son. We are having a hard time getting back on schedule too after the holidays and sickness. Hope it is better for you now.

    4. I am a homeschool mom too. I quit worrying about social–when I am around public schooled kids I am quite thankful mine are not socializing with them. Enjoy your kids 🙂

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