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Outside my window…

Not exactly outside my window, but at a nearby park when Rosie was getting ready to run her last two races, we got a visit from the blimp!!


I am thinking…
about Mr. Pete’s class reunion that we attended over the weekend. It was so nice to see people we haven’t seen in decades, and renew acquaintances and hear new stories. Overall, it was a very successful weekend.

I am thankful…
for a safe trip and for a nice Thanksgiving weekend.

I am pondering…

my old hometown of Flint, Michigan.  Parts of it are lovely and look like they are hanging on.  Some friends of ours who live in Flint seem to be dealing with the water situation well with filters and regular testing. But some other relatives rely on the bottled water and there are water distribution centers all over town.

This is one of the houses on the street Mr. Pete grew up on.  There were hundreds of houses like this one.
Flint class reunion 2016 001
I am hearing…
Rosie practicing her piano

In the kitchen…
Chicken and bacon barbecue as we say goodbye to my Godson/nephew this evening before he heads off to start a new life in another state.

I am wearing…
Gray workout pants, black knit top with 3/4 length sleeves, and my new gray jacket with deep pockets that I wear all the time!

I am going…

One of my favorite things…


Calvin and Sarah sent me a picture of the advent wreath I sent them.  He said they love it!  I’m so happy.

I am reading…

I am teaching the class for co-op next semester.

From the Learning Rooms…

    Adobe Spark


    Reading and English list via Bravewriter and other sources

    Prairie Primer  – Social Studies
    Saxon Math Grade 6

    Exploring Creation with Botany

    Trail Guide to Bible Geography

    Reading- The Yearling

    Children’s Choir at Oaks of Righteousness Co-Op

    Isadora: Senior year!

    Art Studies at Akrona Art

    Parish Choir St. Sebastians

    Spelling U See Per Dr. Holinga
    Saturday Soccer League

    Izzy art

    A quote to share…

    This is more of a passage than a quote, but I just loved the description of Grandma Hutto’s cottage!

    The oleanders led to a gate in a white picket fence. Grandma Hutto’s flower garden was a bright patchwork quilt thrown down inside the pickets. Her small white cottage was bound to the substantial earth with vines of honeysuckle and jessamine. Everything here was dear and familiar. Jody ran down the path through the garden; through the patch of indigo, in feathery, rose-lavender bloom.

    Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan. The Yearling (Aladdin Classics) (pp. 104-105). Aladdin. Kindle Edition.

    wisteria cottage

    Theresa via Flickr, licensed cc

    A picture to share…

    These are from Holy Redeemer Church in Burton, MI, where I attended jr. high school back in the 70s. We finally got to go in and see what it looked like on the inside.  It has changed drastically but I think for the better!
    Holy redeemed church. Burton Michigan


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