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Outside my window…
Noah Cross Country 2016 204

I am thinking…

The other new thing for Izzy this fall is helping with the pre-schoolers at our co-op. After her speech class, Izzy goes into the classroom to help with the 4 to 7 year olds. She plays games with them and helps them with their little art projects. After that she has lunch, and then she sits in with the planning session for the next week’s lesson. She really feels as if she is part of their team and even the little kids have started calling her “teacher.”

This week, one of the teachers was sick, and one of the helper moms was out as well, so it really was just one other mom and Izzy teaching the class. They played BINGO, musical chairs and Duck, Duck Goose, and had a ball! And the truth is, they couldn’t have had the class without Izzy’s help. She really is a natural with little kids.

I am thankful…

that the Akron Beacon Journal awarded Rosie the top prize in her age group for the coloring contest. She took a friend with her to the zoo as her prize and had a very nice time!

October 2016 098

I am pondering…
a special sense that runs through the women in my family – an ability to read people and situations. My mother had it and my grandmother had it, but my sister has a double dose of it. She can read people like a book and she is usually correct – I’d say maybe 98% of the time. I’m more on the remedial end of this gift – I can sense something is wrong, but I can’t usually figure out what, and my propencity for being a glass-half full type of person colors how I look at things in a way that is not usually helpful and has sometimes been harmful. Sis analyzed a family dynamic for me yesterday that literally knocked the wind out of me. And after she said it, I saw it plainly. It was one of those, “How does she do it?” moments.

I am hearing…
Humm of the computer, tinnitus, and Miss C. playing with Izzy downstairs.

In the kitchen…
Ham, potato and cheese casserole.

I am wearing…
Black pants, black thermal long-sleeved shirt and my new gray hoodie with deep pockets from Woman Within.

I am going…

One of my favorite things…


I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…

    Adobe Spark


    Reading and English list via Bravewriter and other sources

    Prairie Primer  – Social Studies
    Saxon Math Grade 6

    Exploring Creation with Botany

    Trail Guide to Bible Geography

    Reading- The Yearling

    CYO Cross Country practice
    Children’s Choir at Oaks of Righteousness Co-Op

    Isadora: Senior year!

    Art Studies at Akrona Art

    Parish Choir St. Sebastians

    Spelling U See Per Dr. Holinga
    Saturday Soccer League

    A quote to share…


    A picture to share…

    Rosie the riveted.

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