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Outside my window…
Noah Cross Country 2016 199
Last week we managed to make it to Noah’s cross country meet.  Since we were so close to Lake Erie, Mr. Pete and I decided to stop by and see what the place looks like in the fall!  And although the air had a little nip to it, the water was still nice and warm.

I am thinking…
that yesterday Pope Francis canonized Jose Sanchez del Rio, a 15-year-old Mexican boy who was martyred for the faith.  The corrupt Mexican government was burning down churches and killing priests, so the people were fighting back, and this young man was helping the cause by delivering ammunition supplies. When he was captured, they tore the soles off of his feet and made him walk to the cemetery. Along the way they kept hitting him and every time he would respond, “Viva Cristo Rey” or “Long Live Christ the King!”  Eventually out of frustration, the commander simply shot him in the head.

Today is the Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch. In one of his letters, St. Ignatius wrote:

I am writing to all the churches to let it be known that I will gladly die for God if only you do not stand in my way. I plead with you: show me no untimely kindness. Let me be food for the wild beasts, for they are my way to God. I am God’s wheat and shall be ground by their teeth so that I may become Christ’s pure bread. Pray to Christ for me that the animals will be the means of making me a sacrificial victim for God.

Such bravery, such deep faith.  It is hard to fathom.

It is worth noting that both men were put to death by tyranical governments that hated the church.

Let that sink in for a moment.

I am thankful…

The reflection from this book today said that there are no ungrateful souls in heaven – so be grateful! I shall strive to do so!

I am pondering…
the passage of time, the end of the running season, and the not-to-far-off Christmas Holidays.

I also had to watch the Passion of the Christ last night with Noah for his theology class.  We were supposed to note things in the movie that were directly from the Gospel of Luke.  It’s interesting to me how much St. Luke seems to be popping into my life this week?!

I am hearing…
The hum of the computer, the buzz in my ears, and Rosie practicing the computer.

In the kitchen…

I am wearing…
Black pants and a gray striped shirt.

I am going…

  • to walk or work out every day with Pfilates . I have to include some arm work out with this. All the walking over the summer has paid off somewhat – my blood pressure at the doctor’s office was 117/72.  My son the paramedic tells me that is a “kick ass” blood pressure. 
  • Hoping to amp up my prayer life this week. Started with confession and watching the Passion of the Christ. 
  • to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan  recommendations. 
  • Start some heavy duty flute practice. 
  • Rosie’s state championship meet.
  • Miss C’s 3-rd birthday party!!
  • My last wedding of the year – thank goodness!!
One of my favorite things…

Noah Cross Country 2016 195
This guy.

I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…

    Adobe Spark


    Reading and English list via Bravewriter and other sources

    Prairie Primer  – Social Studies
    Saxon Math Grade 6

    Exploring Creation with Botany

    Trail Guide to Bible Geography

    Reading- The Yearling

    CYO Cross Country practice
    Children’s Choir at Oaks of Righteousness Co-Op

    Isadora: Senior year!

    Art Studies at Akrona Art

    Parish Choir St. Sebastians

    Spelling U See Per Dr. Holinga
    Saturday Soccer League

    A quote to share…
     “They can throw around ‘Thomistic’ thought and ‘subsidiarity’ and sound sophisticated because no one knows what the hell they’re talking about.”

    Senior fellow at the Center for American Progress John Halpin in an e-mail to 
    Hillary campaign spokeswoman Jenifer Palmieri 

    Another Favorite thing…
    Noah Cross Country 2016 203

    My volunteer mum – that I neither planted or cultivated.  It came up all on its own!
    A picture to share…

    Noah Cross Country 2016 179
    This is the bus Noah’s team travels in when it goes to meets.  One of the perks of going to an NCAA Division 2 school!!  and a far cry from the days on a school bus in high school.

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