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1. When the new translation of the mass came to be a few years ago, the Diocese of Cleveland adopted the Mass of St. Paul the Apostle as our Diocesan mass. All the parishes were supposed to learn it and know it well, so that when the peoples of the diocese came together, they would all know these mass parts in common.

Just a few years later, the publisher, OCP, has dropped that mass from it’s missalette and apparently it won’t be available any more.  All the parishes in the diocese will now have to learn the mass of St. Francis Cabrini – which is okay, but it’s not as nice as the Mass of St. Paul, in my humble opinion.

I wonder what the composer did that was so horrible that they completely dropped his music from publication?

2. Rosie’s botany class gives the kids a chance to earn a sweet treat every week by doing an extra project. This week, Rosie was supposed to identify and write about a specific tree. We used a very famous tree in this area, the Signal Tree.  We have some of it’s leaves and we took some pictures. Apparently this particular type of bur oak tree is not very common in this part of Ohio, which makes me wonder if one of the Indians brought it here and planted it near the Cuyahoga River. Or perhaps it just got really lucky how far it’s little acorn was dispersed!



3. I have had the opportunity to meet two stay at home moms who became – bee keepers!

When you hear of moms working from home I don’t think “bee keeping” usually comes up, but these two ladies are doing it and making money from selling their honey.  One of the moms came to our homeschool co-op to show the kids the inner workings of a hive!  If I lived in the country, I think I would definitely be interested in trying this.


4.  I am writing a piece about St. Luke for Catholicmom.com next week. I decided that I wanted to learn more about the gospel writer and so I spent a little time doing some research. It’s funny how you can hear something, like the stories from St. Luke’s gospel, throughout your life, but never make certain connections. For example, many of St. Luke’s parables were about losing things, and then finding them again – the Prodigal son, the Good Shepherd, the lost coin, all stories about losing and finding. I don’t know why I never considered this theme before.

5.  I also learned that in Luke’s Gospel, salt is not merely for adding taste for food. Salt was used as a fertilizer on the field or a disinfectant in the toilet.  The salt Luke refers to came from the Dead Sea where it was scraped off of the beach where it had been combined with pot ash.  In that context, Salt of the Earth would mean to act as a cleanser in society, or to fertilize and grow the kingdom of God. For a fascinating discussion on St. Luke and his gospel, check out Dr. David Pawson’s lecture on Youtube.  He’s not a Catholic teacher, but I very much enjoyed his commentary.

6.  Want to know how to form your conscience with regard to the upcoming election – here you go!

7.  And now a quick word of support to those of you who, through no fault of your own, are going to have to vote for Donald Trump. I know who you are. I’ve talked to you at the doctor’s office, and at the park, and some of you have even come up to me and asked quietly “Who are you voting for.”

I am voting for a world view, not a man. I am voting for a view that supports the constitution, is pro-life, and makes economic sense. I am for a world view that respects religious liberty and sees the traditional family to be supremely important.

That view is not supported by Hillary Clinton and the Democrats who just this week proved that they find Catholics and the Catholic church contemptible.

The 3rd  party candidates either don’t completely encompass my world view either and they have little to no chance of winning the election anyway. So my vote is going where I hope it will make the biggest difference.

I can believe that Donald Trump’s words were horrible, and at the same time realize that his gift is in picking the right people for the right places. I hope that skill will come into play when four Supreme Court Judges need to be replaced in the next four years.

I can point out that women have been dealing with the crude remarks from men for eons, and that what the Clintons did was worse, and then question the media timing of all this in the last weeks of the election, and I will. I can also roll my eyes at the women who loved 50 Shades, or cheered Beyonce, or are just in love with Sarah Silverman or Amy Schumer , but who are somehow aghast at the same language coming out of Trump’s mouth. And anyone who tells you that you can’t do those things is employing the false dilemma logical fallacy – but then most liberals are so adept at logical fallacies ( ad hominem attacks are an all time favorite) that they’ve almost elevated it to an art form. Without logical fallacies and name calling, they wouldn’t have much substance to work with.

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