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Outside my window…
cross country 2016 tallmadge 220

The little mum that I saved from the garbage looks like it is going to reward me with a lot of blooms, very soon!

cross country 2016 tallmadge 218

My backyard impatiens blooms are doing well – even if my grass is not!  Especially after a long, dry summer.

I am thinking…
about the rest of the week. Rosie starts piano lessons back up – the first time in a very, very, very long time I will only be paying for one kid taking piano lessons. At one time,  I had four taking piano and one also taking guitar – most of the money I earned part time went towards paying for it all.

I am pondering…
Noah’s math test. He took his first big college math exam.  He thought he had done poorly but was surprised to see that he scored 100%.  So I asked him, “Why did you think you didn’t do well?”

He said that everyone seemed to zip through the test and was leaving early. In fact, he was one of the last three kids to finish the test.  Since it wasn’t a timed exam, he stayed to double check his answers.

So I thought about this. In our homeschool, we didn’t focus on timed, standardized tests. In fact, I didn’t do many tests at all in math until the kids got to high school. But I know most kids spend a lot of time taking tests, and then preparing for timed tests. So I wonder if perhaps kids have been trained so well to do their tests quickly, that it goes against their nature to sit and really ponder a question or double check their work. Anyway, at least this time, it paid off for Noah to be a little slower than his classmates.

I am thankful…
for a beautiful weekend and for all the rain we got.  It was truly needed!

I am hearing…

Puppies. The lady next door has a dog that had puppies a few months ago. And every morning I hear them whining and barking because they want to get out of their little cages and play!

In the kitchen…
Sweet potato quiche. 

I am wearing…
Gray capris and a black T-Shirt.

I am going…

  • to walk or work out every day with Pfilates . I have to include some arm work out with this. 
  • Hoping to amp up my prayer life this week . 
  • to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan  recommendations. 
  • See Rosie race on Sunday.
  • Start some heavy duty flute practice. 
  • Clean the floor in the basement with the new soap I bought for rubber floors – we’ll see!
  • Take all of the staples out of the floor at the flip house!

I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…

    Adobe Spark


    Prairie Primer  – Social Studies
    Saxon Math Grade 6

    Exploring Creation with Botany

    Trail Guide to Bible Geography
    CYO Cross Country practice
    Children’s Choir at Oaks of Righteousness Co-Op
    Isadora: Senior year!
    Art Studies at Akrona Art

    Parish Choir St. Sebastians
    Izzy is taking a speech class in our co-op this year. We thought it would be a good idea for her to step out of her comfort zone because she is a little shy, and has always been a bit withdrawn about her speech. When Izzy was a very little girl, she knocked out all four of her upper front baby teeth and that really made it hard for her to learn to talk correctly and for years it was difficult to understand her!  She has overcome a lot. Last week, she gave her first speech- an informational speech, and she received an A-.  She was really happy and I was very proud of her.

    Spelling U See Per Dr. Holinga
    Saturday Soccer League

    A quote to share…

    “Everything HRC touches, she kind of screws up with hubris.”
    Colin Powell

    Favorite things…
    cross country 2016 151
    What do you wear when you have to go to mass and then jump in the car to travel 40 minutes to your sister’s cross country meet, when it’s still in the high 80s and very humid?  This!

    A picture to share…

    wm rosie
    Every race this season, Rosie has finished in the top 10.  She has it in her to be top 5 or to even win, but I think she has to make that leap in her own mind to do it.  Running is 90% physical, but that 10% mental is also crucial.

    First away meet for Noah – he finished solidly in the middle and is running a bit over a 6 minute mile pace.

    The fast runners are all in the 5 minute mile pace.  I looked at the times for the All Catholic Meet at Notre Dame, and all of the runners are running at blazing speeds.

    When I am taking pictures at a cross country meet, I usually try to get about 1/2 mile or so away from the start, when the runners start to thin out a bit and I can get easier individual shots. But it occurs to me, that that might not be the case in college!  These guys are running so fast that they most pretty much stay in a pack for the entire 8K!  I’ll know soon. Within the next couple of weeks I’ll finally be able to see one of Noah’s races for myself.

    In the meantime, I really miss the old Firestone team.

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