7-Quick Takes – the Labor Day Weekend Edition

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1.  There are lots of nice things about the new school that moved in to my neighborhood.  One is that sex offenders are required to be 1000 feet away from the school and that certainly encompasses my street. 

It’s also nice that they won’t be putting a lot of political garbage and left-wing rhetoric on their electronic sign.  I’ll be happy if they just put the time and temperature! But even some bible verses would be nice.

It is certainly interesting the way that God has turned this property around for the better!

2.  I worked for a very sweet wedding couple this weekend. Their wedding was small, simple, and perfect. They did their own readings, the bride had her mother stand up for her, and the groom had his brother. Because the brother was in a wheelchair the entire exchange of vows was brought to the bottom of the steps and felt more intimate with the guests.

The couple themselves were just very kind and full of good humor. The bride even let me take a quick picture of her dress before she went down the aisle.  She is the second bride I have seen this season who has opted for more a 1950-Audrey Hepburn- style of dress.  With the short veil it was just perfect!

This doesn’t happen to me very often, but this time the mother of the bride gave me a big hug after the ceremony, and the groom smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up.  I just love doing weddings like that.

3.  Noah has now driven to his new school 13 days in a row- first for running camp and then for the first week of school which included opening weekend. We’re having a lot of construction around town right now and the main ramps that he would take coming an going to school on the express way are closed for who-knows-how-long. For that reason, he has been taking an exit ramp that exits from the speed lane on the left and then taking some back roads home.

Last week he told me, “Mom, that exit ramp is really a stupid design. You’re going along at 65 miles per hour and then you’re suddenly in this huge curve.  You almost feel like your car is going to leave the pavement.”

I gave him a long stare. “Please tell me you aren’t getting this from personal experience.”

A chuckle and a small grin told me that this was one lesson, he sort of learned the old fashioned way.

4.  His first week of classes went well. We found out that to stay eligible to run, he has to be in a supervised study hall at least three hours a week, and it he has to get the monitor’s signature. They only require this of Freshman. Noah is used to working independently and getting everything done on his own, but apparently its an issue with Freshman atheletes to make time to study and get their academics done. Noah is also working in the kitchen four hours a week for work-study. I predict that he is going to have little trouble finding a restaurant job next year after accumulating all of this kitche experience this year.

5.  Recently got this picture of Mr. Pete’s, Uncle Clarence.  Clarence passed away before Mr. Pete was born and there are very few pictures of him, but when I saw this one, I immediately saw that two of my sons resemble their great uncle in the hair department!


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6. Izzy has an interesting project to work on. A contractor is fixing up an old 19th century home in Akron and all of the ornate water catchers in the gutter system need to be re-soldered so that they don’t leak.  There are five of them and they are beautiful. My lovely girl has been working on them all week and is almost done – she’ll have $500 when she’s finished.

7.   You may have seen information about The Catholic Mom’s Prayer Companion

I got my copies last week because I am a contributing author!! If you’re looking for something fresh and inspiring for your prayer routine, this might be what you’re looking for!


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