Simple Woman

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Outside my window…

It’s Black-Eyed Susan season in my garden!

I am thinking…
about a nice wedding we attended this past weekend.  It was simplicity at it’s finest.

I tell couples that come to our pre-cana talk that they don’t need to spend a lot of money on “stuff” for a wedding and this bride certainly proved that.

I’m mainly thinking how much I enjoyed the reception WITHOUT the band or DJ because I could actually talk to people and understand what they were saying back to me!! The reception was also in a lovely garden and as a photographer, I enjoyed that as well!

I am thankful…
that the newly weds made it up for the weekend, and back home safely.

Mallory's wedding 111

In the kitchen…
Simple, simple, simple this week.  I am hoping to do egg dishes instead of so much meat this week.  I am also craving spaghetti for some reason.

I am wearing…
This is what we wore to the wedding – me and all of my girls!
LaVictoire women

I am pondering...
aging and how to age well.

Calvin saw me after many months this weekend and commented that my hair is now more gray than black.  That was my personal choice because I wanted my hair to stay in good condition and not thin or become straw-like from chemical treatments. And it is in great condition and very soft. But it is indeed very silver in places.

I have a friend on Facebook who has been an athlete ever since high school.  She has the body of 20 year old, but the face of a 60 year old. That doesn’t seem fair to me. I also saw a lovely lady that I knew years and years ago. She was probably the age I am currently when I knew her then.  She is frail now, not stylish as I remember her, and her memory is gone. That’s not fair either. Getting older and closer to death doesn’t scare me – it’s the ravages of time along the way that give me pause.

I am going…

Rockin Robots from the library show last week.

I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…

Izzy-Junior – heading into senior year!

A quote to share…
“Please, don’t stay home in November. If you love our country and love our children as much as I know that you do, stand and speak and vote your conscience. Vote for candidates up and down the ticket who you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.”

Senator Ted Cruz

Some  of my favorite things…

Mallory's wedding 075

A picture to share…


One of my favorite pictures from the weekend.

A funny thing happened during the posed pictures at church – my family was called up to get pictures with the bride and groom and we were all up there and posed in seconds – that’s 9 of us plus the bride and groom. The photographer even commented about how quick and efficient we were and how well organized.

That’s because I have been posing these kids on the front steps, or backyard, or in church for over 20 years!!! and now it pays off!!

Izzy and the gang

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