Simple Woman

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Outside my window…
July 2016 048

Although it’s been a great year for roses, yuccas, and lilies, it hasn’t been so great for hydrangeas. I only got two blooms on one of my plants – but it was glorious.

I am thinking…
A couple of years ago, a nasty woman wrote this about one of my kids in the comment section of a now defunct blog:

I will be surprised if the oldest passes the National EMT exam. Even if he does, the world is saturated with EMTs and the career will go no where fast. His best bet is joining the military.

Said kid just finished his first year in his new job (but third or fourth as a paramedic and eighth over all in EMS work) and got promoted to crew chief.

BTW, when he was hired in last year they hired tons of paramedics from all over the country. Maybe her part of the world is saturated with EMTs, but the South seems to be craving them!

I suppose that the best revenge is success.

I am thankful…
for Mr. Pete, who took all of us plus Miss C. on a whirlwind field trip last week to see President Garfield’s Museum and Tomb.

In front of Garfield's tomb.

In the kitchen…

Grilling and salad.

Paleo is really pretty easy if you want it to be – a protein and veggies, meat and a salad.  It does not have to be difficult!

I am wearing…

Charcoal skort with a black T-shirt – soon to be workout pants so that I can walk while Rosie runs.

I am pondering...
 the Republican convention of 1880 and wondering if something like that could happen today?

I am going…

  • to walk or work out every day with Pfilates . I have to include some arm work out with this. 
  • to cut my carbs via the Wheat Belly Total Health: The Ultimate Grain-Free Health and Weight-Loss Life Plan  recommendations. I think this is going well.  I feel that my core is smaller and clothing looser.  After decades of letting my moods and life be ruled by the number on the scale, I have a real phobia of getting on the scale.  But I know I’m limiting carbs and portion sizes and I feel good about that. 
  • Make some plans to keep my girls busy this summer – activities for Rosie and Miss C. including library shows, trips to the park, wading pools and movies- starting a business for Izzy. 
I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…


Izzy-Junior – heading into senior year!

Some  of my favorite things…

Sargent Young – my best friend’s boy.  Getting ready to deploy soon, but not before his birthday next week!!

A quote to share…

The illegitimacy of using ‘made-up tests’ to ‘displace longstanding national traditions as the primary determinant of what the Constitution means’ has long been apparent. . . The Constitution does not prescribe tiers of scrutiny. The three basic tiers— ‘rational basis,’ intermediate, and strict scrutiny—’are no more scientific than their names suggest, and a further element of randomness is added by the fact that it is largely up to us which test will be applied in each case.’. . .  But the problem now goes beyond that. If our recent cases illustrate anything, it is how easily the Court tinkers with levels of scrutiny to achieve its desired result.

Judge Clarence Thomas, June 2016

and another

A brave man is a man who dares to look the Devil in the face and tell him he is a Devil. 

James A. Garfield, 20th president of the United States

A picture to share…
July 2016 102
The gang at Garfield’s tomb, overlooking the Cleveland skyline with Lake Erie in the background.

Oh, and happy paper anniversary to Calvin and Sarah

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1 Comment

  1. Love the hydrangeas.
    Way to go, EMT kid! 😉
    I'm leery of the upcoming convention too.
    Read IMITATION OF CHRIST decades ago. It'd be well worth revisiting.
    Blessings –

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