Simple Woman

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Outside my window…
May 2016 328
The Ivy is really taking off!  I just have to keep it off the tree and train it to grow towards teh sidewalk and not up the stairs!

I am thinking…

As long as I have lived in NE Ohio, there has never ever been a championship team. In fact, Cleveland has not won any sort of a sports championship in over 52 years. So when I saw this on my Facebook feed yesterday, it sort of struck a nerve!

The Indians are doing well right now. Maybe this will inspire them to greatness too!

I am thankful…
that my friend is recovering nicely from her car accident!  I had the opportunity to stay with her in the hospital and take care of her little baby. We talked and talked – it really was more like a sleep over and I am so happy we got to spend time together.

In the kitchen…

It’s hot. Grilled meat of some sort and fruit salad.

I am wearing…
A gray skort with gray T-shirt.

I am pondering...
Next school year and making it through the hot summer months.

Our portion of Noah’s tuition for the entire year is only around $5000. If we can flip our house or even rent it out after it’s done, we should be able to cover that.

Noah’s Godfather shared with me that when he was in college he decided not to take a job but to just concentrate on his studies. He did well and eventually that translated into scholarship money. I hope the same happens for Noah.

I am going…

From the Learning Rooms…


Izzy-Junior – heading into senior year!

Rosie 5th grade

  • Geography  -almost done!!
  • Art Class
  • Piano
I am also looking into Switched on School House for Izzy for business studies next year!

Some  of my favorite things…


While Noah and I were at his college orientation, Mr. Pete brought home some Wendy’s to fee his girls!!

A quote to share…

I’m going to use all my tools, my God-given ability, and make the best life I can with it. – 
Lebron James

A picture to share…

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