Simple Woman

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Outside my window…

May 2016 321
A great day for roses!

I am thinking…
A well attended and very fun grad party for Noah.

The party planning staff!  Izzy made the cake and the center pieces plus helped me with a lot of the shopping. T cut tons of veggies and fruit for the veggie and fruit platters, and Rosie did pretty much anything we asked.  And little Miss C stayed out of the way!!

I am thankful…
For all of my family and friends who came to the party and helped to make it a special day for Noah. Especially thankful for my dear friends Twana and Ike who came from Michigan to support us and to Noah’s Godfather, Gary, who also made the trip to join us.

In the kitchen…

Left overs – lots of leftovers!!

I am wearing…
Shorts and a T-shirt – getting ready to take Rosie running with the high school team

I am reading…
some cheap romance novels I found on Amazon via Ruth’s blog. Just for fun!

I am pondering...
Family ties.

My last relative in a religious order passed away last week. This was my first cousin once removed and I only remember meeting her once when I was 8 or 9 years old, but I do remember that she was the pride and joy of my grandmother’s family because she was a nun. I remember her as friendly and funny and I think she got a kick out of me because I kept trying to catch her with her veil or night cap off so that I could see if she had hair!

 I contemplated going to her funeral but it would have been a five hour drive, including the cost of a hotel room and missing activities here with my children, so I decided to let it go, but not without some regret. I’ll send a card today instead and of course remember Sr. Bernadette in my prayers.

I am going…

From the Learning Rooms…

In the homestretch now!

20 Years of Homeschooling!

Noah- Senior

Going to college orientation on Friday!


Rosie 5th grade

  • Spelling  one more week!
  • Geography  -almost done!!
  • Art Class
  • Piano

Some  of my favorite things…
Izzy and Charlie- tv time.
TV Time

A quote to share…

This entire scene from the Bate’s Motel was awesome!  Norman’s eulogy for his mother was awesome. I could only hope that one of my kids could say something nice like that about me at my funeral.  But the part below made me laugh out loud.  Who among us hasn’t felt like this from time to time!

She was not supposed to leave me. And I know that they say that God had a plan and we have to trust that; we have to trust the plan. Well it would be nice to know what the hell that plan is. I guess nobody thought telling me that would be important.  I’m just supposed to figure this shit out by myself. 

Norman Bates,
Bates Motel

A picture to share…
We found this plaster sun in my late sister-in-law’s belongings.  It was just plain and raw plaster. Izzy painted it and I think she did an excellent job!
Izzy art

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