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1. I got my semi-annual Amazon payment this month.  It was my best year as an affiliate ever!  I sold over $400 worth of merchandise through my affiliate links and earned $21 in an Amazon gift card!  What fascinates me though, is the things that get purchased through my associate account, that I didn’t promote –  Like this:

and this

or this!

Anyway, if you did purchase something through Amazon through my affiliate links, I greatly appreciate it.  Blogging is a hobby, but to get just a little bit of affiliate love can make a difficult blogging week a little easier.

2. Graduation is coming and decisions have to be made!

I did put out a call for graduates earlier in the year for my homeschool group, and only three other families had graduates this year, and one family couldn’t make up their minds about whether they wanted to participate or not. But then of course, Noah couldn’t decide what he wanted to do either!

I organized a graduation for my second son a few years back, and it was very stressful – sleepless night, stomach ache, eczema exacerbation- type of stressful.  So I was not looking forward to that again, although it went very well.

But Noah doesn’t even remember it. And consequently, it’s no big deal to him, whether he has one or not.  I had thought about having him graduate with our state homeschool group – but again, that would be a little costly, and we would have to travel an hour and a half away only to have him walk the stage with a group of kids he doesn’t even know.

So we’re going to try something different – an open house, where Mr. Pete and I graduate our son in front of our family and friends. Noah likes that idea better and I think that’s what we’re going to do.

3. Noah’s Birthday is during the triduum this year – not a great time to celebrate a big milestone birthday. So I think we are going to find a restaurant he likes and have dinner there and then come home for cake and ice cream. So what can I get a young man who has everything he needs?  I’m leaning towards this.

4. I finally had a chance to see The War Room.   I highly recommend this film if you need something inspirational to watch during these last two weeks of Lent. The story focuses on a married woman who is having a lot of problems in her marriage with a disengaged husband.  An older  woman enters her life and becomes her mentor and source of encouragement. Basically the older woman shows her how to pray and and what to pray for and the movie explores the results of being prayerful and the ripple effect those prayers have!

5. After watching that movie I decided to do something I have been thinking about for a long time – I bought a prayer journal. I think it will help me to focus my prayer time better and it will be a better way for me to recognize the prayers that have been answered in my life that I just take for granted. This is something new for me. I have never used a prayer journal before and it’s not something my mother or grandmother ever did, but I have it on my heart to try, and it seems like the last two weeks of Lent are as good a time as any to give it a shot!
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6. In Rosie’s Prairie Primer book, they suggested doing an illustration of Almanzo’s family barns as described in the book, Farmer Boy.  This was Rosie’s illustration.
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7.  Izzy’s latest piece.
March 2016 007 2

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