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Outside my window…
February 2016 021
Cuyahoga River the day after Valentine’s Day.

I am thinking…
about how little my faith is sometimes, and how despite that, God comes through anyway.  I had a special intention for my Christmas Novena and part of that included a cap on my legal expenses. When I got my January bill I was disheartened. But yesterday I got the good news that there is a reprieve in sight! I just hadn’t been patient enough. Now I am kind of anxious to see how the rest of my prayers will be answered.

I am thankful…
for my thoughtful daughter-in-law, who sent Izzy, Rosie and me some bulbs in a pot.  She wrote that it was because she knew it was hard to watch flowers die, so now we could watch them grow and bloom. She is a very special young lady!

In the kitchen…
Turkey soup,  paleo style.  It's what's for dinner.

This is a soup I made from a left over turkey. It has squash and sweet potato in it and it had a very savory flavor. Bone broth is supposed to be very, very comforting for an upset digestive system and I imagine that this tasty soup would also be very nutritious and gentle on the stomach and colon.

I am wearing…
Black velveteen pants, red sequined top with a black cardigan and my black scrunch boots.

I am reading…

I am pondering...
the loss of Antonin Scalia and what that will mean for the country.  It saddens me to think of what our country is going to become if we get a liberal majority in the court and either Sanders or Clinton in the White House.

Psalm 90:10 says, “Our days may come to seventy years, or eighty if our strength endures.” I’ve got a couple of years until 60, and the biblically only 10 years or so after that depending on this or that. And considering the path we are currently on, I find that comforting.

I am going…

From the Learning Rooms…
20 Years of Homeschooling!

Noah- Senior



Rosie 5th grade

Partnership Writing
Apologia Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology   -     By: Jeannie Fulbright
  • Choir- co-op
  • Art Class

One of my favorite things…


A quote to share…
“But what really astounds is the hubris reflected in today’s judicial Putsch. The five Justices who compose today’s majority are entirely comfortable concluding that every State violated the Constitution for all of the 135 years between the Fourteenth Amendment’s ratification and Massachusetts’ permitting of same-sex marriages in 2003,”
Antonin Scalia, June 2013.

Well done Sir!   Rest in Peace.

A picture to share…


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1 Comment

  1. I love your river picture! Have a great week!

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