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Join the other Quicktakers at This Ain’t the Lyceum

1. Today I took my 2-year-old granddaughter to her third funeral mass! I think that is quite an accomplishment for a little girl. Her first was for a local retired priest. The second was for an accomplished woman very active in the parish, and the today’s funeral was for the mother of a six children, including the priest who said the mass!

I wonder if this portends something in her future?

2. I like to take little Miss C. to visit all of the side altars in our church to familiarize her with the saints and to make her feel comfortable within the church. Our statue portraying St. Sebastian is pretty mild compared to the actual injuries the saint suffered, but I could see her concern over the arrows protruding from the statue’s thighs and torso. So I told her, “that saint has a lot of boo boos. Can you see them?” and indeed she could.

Today when we were coming in for the mass she stood before the statue of St. Sebastian, pointed and said in a loud voice, “Boo BOOs!!”

3. The family continues to suffer the remnants of this nasty cough thing we all picked up over a week ago. Everyone is much better and leading their normal lives, but Mr. Pete (who has been sleeping on the couch since this started) says he can hear the different coughs throughout the house.

Tomorrow, Rosie and Noah both are entered in the parish Knights of Columbus 5K event. I’m just hoping that they don’t get their clocks cleaned because of they haven’t practiced as long and as hard as they usually do. I’ll just be happy if Rosie gets a PR – her time to beat is 24:03.  If Noah can break into the 17s that will be a good day too! 

4. Jessa Duggar had her baby last week and in an interview she talked about how the intensity of birth and how it is not what she expected.  Another Mom this week talked about how disappointed she was with her home birth.  I wonder if the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction now.  Hospital births were traumatizing and hurting women, and now birth at home is doing the same thing. When can we be honest with women about the nature of birth, and all of the risks, benefits and options, and let every woman make safe and informed choices. It would also be helpful if homebirth became a credible option, supported by the medical community so that option could be as safe as possible.

5. This is really cute.

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Mark Lowry – Dogs Go To Heaven
They asked me to ‘kill’ some time at the Dove Awards this year. This is what I did. To order ‘Dogs Go To Heaven’ T-shirt, go here: http://marklowry.com/product/dogs-go-to-heaven-shirt/
Posted by Mark Lowry on Monday, November 9, 2015

Wonder if I should share it on my Visits to Candyland Blog?

6. Glen Campbell is my new musical hero.

After years and years as a musician, he walked in front of an audience and just played with sheer joy and skill.  I thought about him a lot last Sunday when I had my own concert to play – trying to own my own years of experience.

Mr. Campbell has Alzheimer’s disease now, but his music kept him going for a long time, and even when his memory failed him, his music never did.

7.  The CD Mr. Pete and I worked on this year is now available!
Order the CD or individual songs here. 

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