Two Minutes for the Mother of the Groom

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…and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradictedb(and you yourself a sword will pierce)* so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.”  Luke 2:34-35
“If she was the groom’s mother she wore beige and kept her mouth shut.” Erma Bombeck
This summer, my oldest son got married and I was officially the mother of the groom. It was a time filled with joy, happiness and pride, but there was also a wee bit of sorrow. My little boy was now officially a married man. I would never again be the main woman in his life, his first confidant or even his biggest supporter. For me, in some ways, the entire pre-wedding experience was very much like what the Blessed Mother experienced at the presentation of Jesus in the temple – a joyful time with a tinge of pain and a little anguish. The trick for me was trying to follow Mary’s example by starting my new life as the mom of a married son with graciousness and love.
This was a little tougher than it looked.
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