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Outside my window…

August 2015 055

I am thinking…
about starting my 20th year of homeschooling.  When I started, my current students weren’t even born yet.  I have asked my three oldest to record some of their thoughts and feelings about being homeschooled and if they do it, I’ll share their reflections here.

I am thankful…
that I had the opportunity to homeschool my children. I am sure that I learned as much as they did, the second time around!  I’m also grateful that my mom got to share so much of our homeschool with us.


I have…
just about got my classroom organized for the school year.  I actually purged an entire garbage can full of materials from the room.  My tendency is to hold on to things so getting rid of this stuff was very freeing!

In the kitchen…
Some summer chicken ideas!

I am wearing…
Blue workout shorts by Danskin and a red T-shirt.

I am reading…

I have always wanted to read this.

I am going…

  • to walk or work out every day with Pfilates.  Trying to get back some weight work out as well. 
  • Enjoying the talks by Dr. Larry Richards for my MP3. 

From the Learning Rooms…
  We’re enjoying a little bit of a break but Noah is still working on: 

One of my favorite things…

Our new stars to celebrate Mary Queen of Heaven.
August 2015 135

August 2015 141

I am looking forward to...

Starting my 20th year of homeschooling!

A quote to share…

How then account for the fact that these men, who in Christ’s lifetime did not stand up to the attacks by the Jews, set forth to do battle with the whole world once Christ was dead—if, as you claim, Christ did not rise and speak to them and rouse their courage? Did they perhaps say to themselves: “What is this? He could not save himself but he will protect us? He did not help himself when he was alive, but now that he is dead he will extend a helping hand to us? In his lifetime he brought no nation under his banner, but by uttering his name we will win over the whole world?” Would it not be wholly irrational even to think such thoughts, much less to act upon them?

It is evident, then, that if they had not seen him risen and had proof of his power, they would not have risked so much. From a homily on the first letter to the Corinthians by Saint John Chrysostom, bishop 

For the feast of St. Bartholomew, apostle of Christ,  who was flayed an martyred for his faith.
St Bartholomew
Father Lawrence Lew, OP via Flickr licensed cc

A picture to share…

Izzy Art
izzy sea scape

Amazon.com Widgets

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