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The girls have continued their art classes this summer.  Below is Rosie’s newest piece.  She just loves her light houses!
july 2015 084 sea scape


chirstmas cover 1

2. Izzy is competing for a CD cover.  The title is Journey to Christmas, so she prepared and submitted these two pieces. The only requirements were that there had to be a Star of Bethlehem , and that it had to portray a journey.
chirstmas cover 1

christmas cover 2
We should know soon.

3. In getting Noah ready for his Senior year of high school, I cam across these two reading lists from Dr. Stobaugh’s web site. 

The first one is very helpful in comparing what we have read and to see what more we can try to accomplish this year.   Mr. Stobaugh’s College Prep Reading List.

This one is helpful in planning reading to go along with historical periods.
Also Classic Reading List in Chronological/Historical order.

Lee Binz, The Home Scholar, also has her own book list- The Homeschooler College Bound Book List as does the Arrowhead Library System. 

It’s interesting to compare the lists and see what is considered a “Must read” for high school, depending on who compiled the list!

5. I found Father Coulter’s Catholic Reading list  while I was looking for reading lists.  This might be especially useful to Noah as he discerns whether or not he is called to the priesthood.

6.  I neglected to publish Rosie and Noah’s piano recital from the spring – so here it is!

7. Looking forward to a fun filled summer weekend!

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