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Join the other Quicktakers at This Ain’t the Lyceum.

1. One week after the wedding, we headed up for one of our family reunions.  A lot of our family members had traveled for the wedding, so this year’s reunion was somewhat sparse.

Unfortunately, Mr. Pete’s brother Joe, who usually runs the reunion, had a small heart attack while he was setting up the festivities. Luckily, he caught it early and he’s going to be fine, but we were all worried about him and anxious for news.

For the sake of the little ones, the usual games went on. They looked for eggs.

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They had the sack races.

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and even little Miss C. got to hop in a sack for the first time, with the help of her daddy!
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2.  Miss C’s daddy had a birthday this week too!  20 years old!

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A simple, but delicious carrot cake to top off an evening of dinner and a card game called  Super Fight – which was actually a lot of fun to play!
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3.  The nicest thing about having a backyard that is always party ready – are the interesting discussions that go on, and on and on!

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4. I’m thinking of reselling these shoes on e-bay.  I originally bought them for Izzy to wear to the wedding. She needed silver shoes and when I saw them I fell in love with them immediately.

When my sister came over I couldn’t wait to show them to her.

“Look at these gorgeous shoes I got for Izzy to wear to the wedding!” I said.

“Izzy liked them?” enquired my sister.

The truth was, Izzy was less than enthusiastic about them. But was obediently willing to wear them because I bought them.  When sis asked her, she admitted that they weren’t her favorite, and then my sister kindly informed me that the shoes were more for a “mature” lady – i.e. me.

So I wore them to the wedding. Sis graciously took Izzy shoe shopping and got her something that she really loved!

My niece later explained that the strap around the ankle just isn’t as “fashionable” these days. And she’s right. The ankle strap does cut the line of the leg – and my leg’s aren’t all that long anyway.

So in retrospect, I guess I don’t like them as much any more.

5.  I have been obsessed this week with watching The Big C on Amazon.  I own all 4 seasons and have enjoyed rewatching them.  I guess I enjoy the dark humor in the phase of a grave diagnosis, but also I really enjoy Laura Linney’s performance as Cathy Jamison.

6.  Laura Linney is also excellent in


7.  Next week Tony Geary leaves his role as Luke Spencer on General Hospital.  I’ve kept up with that show (mostly via Youtube nowadays) since I was a very little girl.

Mr. Geary is 68. I get it. He wants to retire and move on with his life.

I just wish he hadn’t trashed his relationship with “Laura” on the way out.  For those who don’t know, Luke Spencer was a poor boy on the wrong side of the tracks, who grew up in a whore house and found his place in the world with organized crime. He fell in love with his “angel” Laura. Their experiences and adventures were the stuff of soapy goodness that gave General Hospital the status that it enjoys to this day. Their wedding is still the highest rated event in daytime history.

In his exit interview, Geary said:

I just get really tired of the whole Luke-and-Laura thing. I think Genie would tell you the same. We’ve both been dragging the corpse of that relationship around for 30 years. I was able to insist on moving away from it, but being hyphenated as Luke-and-Laura has been a real pain in my ass. It irritated me that, no matter what I did on the show, no matter how many Emmys I won, I could never unhitch from that. Every time I was introduced anywhere in the last 33 years, they’d run the clip of that f—ing wedding. It’s like having your high school graduation picture dragged out. [Laughs] Nobody wants that! And yes, this is a guy who is biting the hand that has fed him. I fully understand that. I think at age 68 I’m allowed to say these things, and certainly now that I am no longer under contract.

As a fan, I’m sorry he feels that way. Because many of us rooted for Luke and Laura to stay together, or for them to find their way back to each other.  For it to end the way it’s ending, with Luke walking away into the night, feels kind of disrespectful towards everything we lived through with these characters for decades. It was supposed to be a great love that lasted until death do us part. Instead it ends with an uninteresting fizzle.

How disappointing.

 These are two of my favorite Luke and Laura clips.

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