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Join the other Quicktakers at This Ain’t the Lyceum.

1. The thing about being the mother-of-the groom is that you don’t really fit in quite right. You’re not the bride’s mom, so hanging with her doesn’t feel 100% right, especially if she has her own mom there.

My new daughter-in-law and her mom are wonderful and they were always great to me and very gracious and welcoming – I love them and I have no complaints there. It’s just that… it was my boy that was getting married and I somehow just didn’t fit in … THERE, with him.

Two days before the wedding all my sons and my husband, some of their friends and Calvin’s future FIL all went out to a sports bar for food and drinks.  Even though I am of legal drinking age (something two of the groomsmen were not) I wasn’t invited – because it’s a guy thing.  And I’m sure they had fun and I’m glad they have this tradition, but when the groom is moving eight hours away after the wedding, it seems that there needs to be something more than a 2 minute dance at the reception for mom to have time with her son doesn’t it?


2.  I brought my own camera to the wedding.  I figured since I was going to be sitting close to the front of the church, I could get some great pictures and not have to wait for the official ones.

In the movie, 27 Dresses, Katherine Heigle’s character says that the look on the groom’s face when the bride is walking down the aisle, is her favorite part of the wedding.

I remembered that and made sure I got that shot.
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3.  My boys – all grown up.
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4.  Calvin’s best man was his cousin Natalie.  My sister and I used to put Calvin and Natalie in the same crib together when they were little.  They played together and fought each other – they were just very close.  When they were toddlers they couldn’t say each other’s names, so Calvin called her “Tee tee” and she called him “Ca ga.”

It’s funny the things you think of at moments like this.  But as I saw my handsome son the groom, and his beautiful and sophisticated cousin, I kept thinking of little Tee tee and Ca ga, and was so happy to see them together  as adults.
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5.  Mr. Pete cantored.  He was wonderful.
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6.   Of course since Mr. Pete built the TARDIS, and since it was Calvin and Sarah who introduced us to Dr. Who, it seemed only fitting that we should get pictures in front of it.  But the sun was in the west by that time and everyone was squinting, and the photographers weren’t overly enthusiastic about shooting there.
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I got this shot though.  Just sayin.
calvin and crew at the TARDIS

7.  I got these shots too – they look so happy and the bubbles just make it so festive!
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My job as wedding facilitator usually ends once the ceremony is over and the bride and groom are out the door.  However, as a participant in last week’s ceremony, I did learn something new- when the guests are supposed to be blowing bubbles, they are working so hard that they forget to cheer loudly!  Our crowd was super intent on making bubbles and they did a fantastic job! But I think the cheering when the bride and groom reappeared might have been more enthusiastic if they weren’t so intent on bubble making.

Now as a wedding facilitator I might recommend to my future brides that if they use bubbles, only give them to half the crowd or get a bubble maker, so that the rest of the group can applaud and cheer.  Other than that, it was awesome.

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1 Comment

  1. I agree. It is strange to be the mother of the groom.
    The bubbles did make a beautiful picture- even if there were not cheers!

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