Simple Women

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Outside my window…

april2015 002

I am thinking…
about Calvin moving away on Saturday.

On Friday each of us took turns helping him to get his stuff loaded. Sam helped move the washer and dryer, Noah moved book cases and boxes, I moved boxes from the bedrooms to the landing and then vacuumed (lifting was out of the question for me last week for medical reasons) and eventually Gabe and Mr. Pete came by at night along with Cousin Paul, Izzy, Rosie and my new goddaughter T. But his future in-laws did a TON of the work and the loading. They were a brilliant crew.

Calvin's move

I did pretty well emotionally. A couple of my mom friends  asked me how I was doing – so I guess a little bit of grief when your child moves away is kind of expected and normal.

 I only cried twice.  Once, the day before Easter when Calvin said he was going to come over a lot during the week before he left and I told him not to, because I thought it would be easier.  When he started to argue with me and I tried to explain how I felt, the cracks began to show. By the time I hung up I was in full blown “I-can’t-stop-sobbing” mode.  Noah came over and gave me a hug, which I appreciated. At least Calvin didn’t hear the worst of that.

I was in control of my emotions while helping him actually pack up.  It reminded me in a way of a funeral for a close loved one, in that you’re so busy with the preparations you don’t have time to be really, really sad or even cry until it’s over.

And that’s what happened to me. The next day I was at the library, sitting in the Children’s Section, waiting for Rosie, who was attending her Little Flowers meeting. I was texting my future-daughter-in-law about the Knights of Columbus coming to help Calvin unpack. I told Sarah the Knights were coming and indeed she had even talked with them.

Then a thought from somewhere came to me and I felt compelled to ask Sarah to reminded Calvin that his Grandpa Calvin had been a Knight, and his Grand Uncle Calvin had also been a Knight – and that maybe they were pulling strings from heaven to make this happen so that Calvin would have help unpacking his things.

I was sitting there texting this with tears running down my face, trying to stifle sobs from sneaking out. I’m sure I scared some of the little children who were innocently sitting in the kids section. Their young mothers quietly steered their tots to another section of the library and I remained mostly alone.

I am thankful…
for the Knights of Columbus from St. Mark’s Parish in Charlotte NC. They really stepped up at the last moment to welcome a stranger into their community.  They helped him unload his trailer into the new apartment.

calvins move 2


Hebrews 13:2  Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

Calvin is no angel- but he would make a great potential Knight and I hope he  pays that forward once he gets settled.

I am Pondering…
how in the world this wedding is going to get pulled together with the bride living in one city and the groom in another?

Also thinking it might be time to get serious about this. 

In the kitchen…
Turkey Salad!  and some kind of Turkey and pasta dish for Tuesday when Noah runs.

I am wearing…
Black yoga pants and a blue short-sleeved sweater.

I am going…

  • to walk or work out every day but Thursday and include some pelvic floor strengthening exercises. 
  • move my spring cleaning to the classroom and office again. 

From the Learning Rooms…
  Noah working on: 

Izzy working on:
·       Geometry.
·       American History – Reading autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. 
·       American Literature-

  • Moby Dick

·       Also continuing Diane Craft reading program, spelling and writing.
·       Biology with the co-op and at home – A first semester – working on presentaton about Richard III. 
·       American Sign Language.   
·       Art class.

Izzy and Noah working on A Noble Experiment for civics. 

Rosie working on:
·       Math
·       Reading – Matilda Bones!

·       Spelling
·       Map skills
·       History and
·       Astronomy with the co-op.
·       Also bible and vocal music with the co-op.
·       Private piano and art

One of my favorite things…

Gabe and family in front of the TARDIS.
Easter 2015 042
So happy that he passed the GED.  Now on to bigger and better things!

I am hoping to …

  • Get lots of flute practice done.
  • Organizing my office and the classroom.
  • Get a budget and time table together on our new real estate venture.

I am looking forward to...

a couple of track meets, and closing on our new property. 

A quote to share…

OK this was last week’s quote, but I like it and it fits my mood. So I’m re-running it.

 I could have never said goodbye to you if we had not said that last rosary. Our Lady sure came through at the right time. I just didn’t want you to drive away crying. But the flood gates opened up later, when I went to straighten up your room. But I said to myself, this will never do. She has not gone away forever, she will be back to see us from time to time.
I just want to tell you what a precious child you were to me. From the day you were born, you seemed to understand

My Grandmother to my mother after her wedding in 1958.

 A picture to share…

 I love to watch her fly!

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  1. And I thought my youngest moving out was hard…. thankfully he is only a few minutes away. Not sure how I would feel if it was any long distance! Have a great week!

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