Simple Woman

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Outside my window…


I am thinking…
about my Aunt Dorothy who turned 95 last week, and found the time to write me a beautiful thank you note for the flowers I sent. She has lovely handwriting!

I am thankful…
for all the kindness that she has shown me during my lifetime and I hope that I can pay that forward with as much grace and gentle good humor she has shown.

In the kitchen…
My special seasoning for pork chops- the secret is the cinnamon.

I am wearing…
A gray skort and black T-shirt.

I am reading…

I am going…

  • to walk or work out every day but Thursday and include some pelvic floor strengthening exercises. I started these last week, and along with some cranberry pills I bought at Walgreens, I am noticing an improvement in my symptoms. 
  • move my spring cleaning to the basement. 

From the Learning Rooms…
  Noah working on: 

Izzy working on:
·       Geometry.
·       American History – Reading autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. 
·       American Literature-

  • Moby Dick

·       Also continuing Diane Craft reading program, spelling and writing.
·       Biology with the co-op and at home – working on presentaton about Richard III. 
·       American Sign Language.   
·       Art class.

Izzy and Noah working on A Noble Experiment for civics. 

Rosie working on:
·       Math
·       Reading – Matilda Bones!

·       Spelling
·       Map skills
·       History and
·       Astronomy with the co-op.
·       Also bible and vocal music with the co-op.
·       Private piano and art

One of my favorite things…

My cousin’s log cabin in Michigan.

I am hoping to …

  • Get lots of flute practice done.
  • Organizing my office and the classroom.
  • Get a budget and time table together on our new real estate venture.  We should close this week. 

I am looking forward to...

Closing on our new property.

A quote to share…
Gentle-Jesus-meek-and mild has probably made more apostates than any other single phrase of the language.  And what a phrase! About as adequate as calling a man-eating tiger, “poor pussy”

Dorothy Sayer from The Letters of Dorothy Sayer

 A picture to share…


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