Simple Woman

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Outside my window…
Old Barn,  Defiance County Ohio
Tim Tonjes via Flickr licensed via cc. 

I am thinking…
My cousin Jerry is updating the family tree for our very large family.  (Jerry is my first cousin once removed. His father and my grandfather were brothers.)  Anyway, we have some parts of our tree that needed to be updated – for example we will be adding a new bride this summer, and we also have my fairly new brother-in-law from a few years ago.  So I started asking my sister for some information, like dates and places of birth and she told me she was uncomfortable giving that information out because of concerns over identity theft.

That never occurred to me!   Turns out Sis was right to be concerned. 

And I think that’s really sad.  As more people wisely limit the information they give out for family genealogies, how will future history sleuths or even family genealogists be able to track down information about their ancestors?  I know that I have had so much joy in learning about my ancestry, but I don’t know that my great-greats will have as much luck, at least for this period of time when information has to be so carefully guarded!  Maybe that is what the early 21st century will be noted for.  I can just imagine the conversations…

“Well I traced the family back to early 2015, but then the trail went dry – security concerns about identity theft was rampant back then!”

I am thankful…
for the beauty of Holy Week.  I have managed to make it to confession twice this Lenten season. Last Friday I told the priest that I felt I hadn’t done as much as I had wanted to do and he told me to just pour everything into this last week of Lent!   So that’s what I’m going to try to do!

I am Pondering…
spring cleaning.  I know there are some super homeschool sites that do big cleaning all year long so that there is no need for spring cleaning.  I am not one of them. But today we tackled the living room and tomorrow we will get the dining room and kitchen in preparation for the Triduum and Easter Sunday.

I am also pondering the idea of my oldest son moving 7 or 8 hours away for his new job.  I know moms let go of their kids all the time, and I should be grateful that I have had all 6 of my children near me for as long as I have.  But it still hurts to have one move and I think I’m allowed to be a little sad about it.

I will NOT be like my grandmother though.  I will be supportive and available for moral support.

In the kitchen…
A lot of carbs for my runners.  Noah has three meets to run this week!

Since I am grain free, I usually just eat the meat and the sauce with a side salad and that seems to be enough for me.

I am wearing…
Black pants with black T-shirt and cafe jacket.

I am going…

  • to walk or work out every day.
  • start my spring cleaning. 
  • to plan a simple but delicious Easter meal that will be easy to prepare since I’m going to be pretty busy Saturday night and Sunday morning. 
  • to be a godmother one more time at the Easter Vigil!

From the Learning Rooms…
We are on spring break although Noah’s Latin Class is plowing through since there are only three weeks left.  Noah will also keep studying for the ACT test on April 18.

Izzy is watching some history DVDs and painting bottles for her brother’s wedding reception!

One of my favorite things…

Izzy art
The latest Izzy Art

I am hoping to …

  • Get lots of flute practice done.
  • Organizing my office and the classroom. 

I am looking forward to...

  • Welcoming T into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. 
  • Having friends and family for Easter Dinner. 
  • Playing for Good Friday and Easter Sunday. 
  • Working on izzy’s Etsy shop.
I’m reading…

Second time.

A quote to share… 

Dying daily. If we are to live for Christ, we must “die daily”. Lent is an ideal time to think about our own death. A happy death is a masterpiece and no masterpiece is ever perfected in a day. Dubois spent seven years in making the wax model for his celebrated statue of Joan of Arc – and it stands today as a ravishing perfection of the sculptor’s art. In like manner our death must appear as a ravishing perfection of the many years of labor we have given over to its mold by dying daily.

Bishop Fulton Sheen

 A picture to share…

March 2015 021
My Lenten Birthday Boys!

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  1. That would be so sad if researching families would stop due to people being afraid of giving out information due to identity theft! Hope your week is great

  2. The birthday boys look happy!! Have a fun Spring break!

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