Twas the Tuesday before the O’Antiphons start

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Since I made it through four various Christmas concerts and facilitating a wedding at church, I thought it was in the clear for a straight shot towards Christmas!

But it was not to be. Last night I was asked to write a flute part to this lovely piece by Sandi Patty to be played at a baptism this coming Sunday.

It really is a lovely piece, and since the grandmother of the baby was kind enough to sing for my mother’s funeral, I feel like this is my chance to return the favor.

But I’m a player, not a composer and this youtube piece is in the key of D and I need it in E flat – so I’ll be composing and transposing instead of making Christmas cookies and writing personal Christmas card notes!

masterpiece refrain

At least I got the refrain done so maybe I can get this done faster than I thought.

I plan to have a guide to celebrating the O antiphons up tomorrow.

In the meantime, you can read my latest on 

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