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Outside my window…
Scenes from the Thanksgiving Days Run for the Homeless. Over 2000 runners participated in that race that always threads through historic Glendale Cemetery.


Rosie finished 9th in the women’s 1-14 age group.

Noah was 29th (out of 133)  in the 15-19 year old male age group.

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november 2014 094

I am thinking…
how nice it was to have my niece come by to visit the day after Thanksgiving.
I remember visiting my various aunts and Peter’s Aunt Gertie from time to time and I remember how thrilled they always were for our visits.  I totally get that now and I’m glad I visited when them when I was younger, and I’m thrilled to get a visit now that I am the “old” aunt.

I am thankful…
My family – most of them anyway~
family 2014
Special shout out to my sister who hosted the event in her new home, even though she wasn’t feeling very well.

I also think, from looking at the picture here, that the baking and cooking responsibilities don’t have to belong to just sis and me any more. I think next year, we can spread out some of the food prep jobs!

In the kitchen…
Spaghetti, dill fish and perhaps some meatloaf later this week.

I am wearing…
My concert outfit, black pants, white sweater and black cafe cover.

I am creating…
Music for a concert today and then again for the next two weeks.

This is one of my favorites from a year or so ago.

I am going…
downtown to Lock 3 to see the ceramic tile poles that Izzy worked on last summer.  Friday night they invited Izzy and the other young artists down for the official lighting of the poles and she was very pleased to see her work finally up and functional!

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I am wondering…
whether to have school tomorrow, or to take another day off to recuperate from the Thanksgiving Holiday!   The school kids are off tomorrow, but we took Wednesday to cook and bake – which doesn’t feel much like a “day off!”

I am reading…

I am hoping…
that I can get Izzy up to chapter 15 in her geometry book and then she will be exactly 1/2 way done!

I am also hoping to do all of the Christmas Novena this advent for my sons.

I am looking forward to…

having three more Christmas concerts and midnight mass.

From the Learning Rooms

  Noah working on: 

·       Algebra II with our new tutor.
·       British Lit and British History
·       Biology at home and with co-op.
·       Latin 2
·       Private piano lessons.  Concert on December 2
Izzy working on:
·       Geometry.
·       American History
·       American Literature
·       Also continuing Diane Craft reading program, spelling and writing.
·       Biology with the co-op and at home.
·       American Sign Language.   
·       Art class.
Rosie working on:
·       Math
·       Reading
·       Spelling
·       Map skills
·       History and
·       Astronomy with the co-op.
·       Also sign language, bible and vocal music with the co-op.
·       Private piano and art
Izzy and Noah doing the Dave Ramsey course to meet their finance requirement for high school.

Around the house…
I have a new kitchen window that Mr. Pete put in!  It is definitely better than the old windows we have had since we bought the place years ago.  Quieter too!

I am pondering…
how the church in our neighborhood, First Grace, went through the money they got for selling two cemeteries (paper says $6 million) and is now totally broke!

A favorite quote for today…
“The thing I love most about Advent is the heartbreak. The utter and complete heartbreak.” Jerusalem Jackson Greer. 

One of my favorite things…

A few plans for the rest of the week:
School, practicing, running kids around, Noah retrying his driving maneuverability test, and trying to remain peaceful through Advent.

A peek into my day…

Presiding over a meal!

me at table

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  1. We're having spaghetti tonight as well! Have a fun week!

  2. Congrats to your children on their race! Have a wonderful week 🙂

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