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Join the other Quicktakers over at “This Ain’t the Lyceum” 
OK – there isn’t a link up this week over there, but nonetheless here are my quicktakes!

1. I know some folks like to get all of their Christmas decorations up right after Thanksgiving, but I like to savor the quietness and longing of Advent and build up to Christmas.  So it wasn’t until last week that we got the entire house decked out completely for Christmas.

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The trunk belonged to my great-grandmother.  We think it might have even come over from Lithuania at the beginning of the last century. It would be interesting to test the wood somehow to see where it originated.  Anyhow, this was in my grandmother’s basement for eons, and then my mom dragged it from Michigan to New Mexico to Ohio. It’s been in my basement for five years or so and finally we got the bright idea to make it into a coffee table.
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All the St. Nick’s I’ve accumulated over the years.
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A combination of the 60+ year old chalk ware figures with newer ones.  The guy in red is from Italy. Found him in an antique store.  We kid that he is the distant relative of the shepherds named Luigi! The dog is plastic – because the kids thought Jesus needed a dog.
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Bunnies, a little angel I bought in honor of Raphael, and a donkey.
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This year’s addition- the Christmoose!  I know he’s a new world animal but oh well.
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This set of angels used to have a flute player.  I gave that to my flute teacher many years ago.  I wonder if her family still has it?
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The newest addition is the boy with the fishing rod.  Got him at the local religious store.  Calvin teased that he didn’t remember Tom Sawyer as being part of the Christmas story.
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Metal deer that my grandma had as nick nacks when I was a kid.  Now we have them at Bethlehem.
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I know pigs aren’t kosher, but these were so cute I bought them a few years back – forgetting that Jewish people don’t keep pigs.
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The buffet ready for Christmas Day!  Complete with last year’s poinsettia that I never took the time to try to turn red again.
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2. We attended two masses on Christmas Eve. At the 7:00 mass Noah played the handbells with the handbell choir. At midnight, Izzy, Noah, T, and I all participated with the parish choir. I understand that over 700 people attended. I only played a few pieces on my flute but it was an honor to be there.

3. My three “babies.”
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Some of “my girls.”  Two daughters, a nice niece, and my grandbaby’s pretty mama.
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My very sweet niece and handsome nephew.
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The little family.  Why doesn’t that baby ever look at the camera when I’m taking a family shot?
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Happy to have Sam the second son and his girlfriend over for Christmas.
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Calvin and Sarah became engaged in an apple orchard.  So to commemorate that, we found a beautiful wooden apple ornament for Christmas.  Mr. Pete carefully wrote their names and then “Engagement 2014” so that they will always have that as a reminder of this special Christmas.
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4.  There were a couple of gifts that were fan favorites.   Izzy rocked her Tardis dress!

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And the 1967 Spirograph I found on eBay was a big hit too!

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5. BBC America is doing a Dr. Who marathon this weekend. Long-time readers might remember we watched all of the new Dr. Who episodes last summer.

I found this shortlist of the 20 Best Dr. Who Episodes.

But here are a few of my favorites!

6. Last weekend I played with a small group as a prelude to a mass and baptism. I made up the flute part. We only got to practice with all the parts for about 5 minutes before we played it, but it turned out pretty well.

7. This past month I discovered the blog of Mary Lenaburg over at Passionate Perseverance.  Her daughter Courtney passed away today.  It’s been a long journey.  Please keep the family in your prayers as they bury their daughter and grieve.  Mary’s blog is a very good read.  She writes from the heart and doesn’t keep anything back.  I couldn’t stop reading it. Highly recommended for Catholics struggling with finding or keeping the faith.

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