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Hey before I get into the 7-quick takes, a small reminder that I have my Christmas and Advent Links stuck to the top of this blog for your perusal.  I’d love it if people added other links that they think are interesting or helpful to others.  Please add your links in the linky of that post. 

Also, I’m an Amazon affiliate.

Please consider getting your Christmas shopping done via my links in the side bar or in my Amazon Store!

1. Sometimes, in a large family, you forget that you haven’t covered everything with your little kids that you covered with your big kids. The sweet potato plant was one of those things.  I was casually washing out some of my glass vases a few months ago and I mentioned how I particularly enjoyed this one big glass vase because my girlfriend had given it to me filled with yellow roses for my 40th birthday AND because when we grew the sweet potato plant you could really see all of the cool roots.

I immediately got blank stares from Noah, Izzy and Rosie.  In fact Gabe had a very vague recollection of it, but Sam and Calvin remembered it right away.  So there was nothing left to do but fill it with water and stick a potato in it.  A few short weeks later we had this lovely growing once more in the glass vase.

December 2014 008

December 2014 011

December 2014 010

2. I am thoroughly enjoying my Advent Wreath this year.  I’ve changed it up a number of times.

December 2014 007

Immaculate Conception
December 2014 004

Saint Nicholas

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Just for the heck of it!

3. I am having a lot of fun on Instagram these days.  I think it does a beautiful job of letting you edit photos and I love being able to share them instantly with family, friends and followers.   I also enjoy the photos of the folks I’m subscribed to.  This was one of my favorites of Izzy and Miss C. this past week.  I’m sure we’ll look back on these in the years to come very fondly and remember what it was like when the kids were teens and their little niece came over every weekday while we were still homeschooling.

Taking a test while holding her niece!  Homeschooling with Charlotte!

You can follow me on Instagram here!

One of my favorite profiles to follow on Instagram – Ballet Beautiful!

4. I inadvertently got into a debate on my facebook page this week.  A while back I blogged about how I avoid showing certain things to certain groups on my Facebook page.  That’s super easy on the computer  but apparently not as easy on the Android or Kindle.  When I posted this post to Facebook, I accidentally sent it to all my liberal friends when I meant to do just the opposite! And unfortunately one of my friends decided to debate me on it. Lesson learned – make sure all the controversial stuff gets linked to FB via my computer – not my kindle or phone!

5. Life as I know it, changed permanently last Friday – Noah got his Driver’s License!

New drivers license!

What this means for me is that I don’t have to be done with homeschooling Rosie at 3 to take Noah to running club- he can drive himself! I also don’t have to figure out something fast for dinner on Bell choir and Parish Choir rehearsal night because I don’t have to drive to either of those now either! And on piano lesson day, I can actually get other work done because Noah can drive himself and his sister.  I really noticed the extra time this week and enjoyed it very much  –  I might even have more time to blog.

6. I had a wedding this weekend- my last one for the year. This one was particularly interesting because the priest usually does the Latin mass at our church, but this time he just did a simple wedding ceremony in the vernacular.  He was quite a pleasant man to work with too!  I really enjoyed it. The couple was very pleasant as well.

But kids, here’s the thing – don’t make the people who are working for you track you down to be paid.  The money I make from these weddings goes to pay for art classes or piano lessons – stuff like that for the kids I still have at home.  So although I briefly considered sucking it up and not saying anything about it, (which I have done before) I finally did mention it and it was just… awkward.

7. Another one of my favorites from the concert we performed last weekend – Breath of Heaven

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