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Outside my window…

little sunflower

One of our sunflowers put its last bits of energy into popping up one little sun flower!   I can’t tell you how much joy I got from watching that!

I am thinking…
Today is the 28th anniversary of the death of of my grandpa, Calvin Leckrone. He’s the baby in this picture.

If he were alive today, Grandpa would be 114 years old. He was 59 when I was born and 60 or so when my my pregnant mother and I moved in with him and my grandma and bachelor uncle.  He was my father figure. He did the stuff dad’s are supposed to do and when it was time to walk down the aisle on my wedding day, he was on one side and my father was on the other.

I am thankful…
to have known such a wonderful man.

Calvin Leckrone Sr.

In the kitchen…

I’m studying for my lab test.  Seriously, I’m having blood drawn next week as part of my physical and I am putting extra effort into having good numbers!!

Noah said that’s cheating, and that I should just eat like I usually do (which is pretty healthy anyway) and let the chips fall where they may.  But I have a doctor that freaks out a lot, soooo… for her sake, I’m going to try really hard to be normal in every category!

I’m mainly cutting as much sugar out as possible, (I’m to the micromanagement part of that – like grams of sugar in salad dressings etc.) and sticking as close as possible to the SCD diet.

Turkey casserole on Monday
Meatballs on Tuesday
Cross country banquet on Wednesday- but I’ll take something to eat
Not sure about Thursday
Dill Fish on Friday – great recipe for that!

I am wearing…
Black workout pants, black shirt and a seasonal vest with pumpkins.

I am going…

  • to walk or work out Monday – Thursday. Will probably have to start getting some workouts in my basement now due to the weather.   
  • Let Noah have some big driving time!  OK people- that means the express way which absolutely terrifies me. 
  • Practice my flute for upcoming concerts.
  • Get my Christmas shopping in full swing- I want to be done before Advent!
  • Pray the office and the rosary with the children in the morning with divine office. com a habit!

From the Learning Rooms…

  Noah working on: 

·       Algebra II with our new tutor.
·       British Lit and British History
·       Biology at home and with co-op.
·       Latin 2
·       Private piano lessons.
Izzy working on:
·       Geometry.
·       American History
·       American Literature
·       Also continuing Diane Craft reading program, spelling and writing.
·       Biology with the co-op and at home.
·       American Sign Language.   
·       Art class.
Rosie working on:
·       Math
·       Reading
·       Spelling
·       Map skills
·       History and
·       Astronomy with the co-op.
·       Also sign language, bible and vocal music with the co-op.
·       Private piano and art
Izzy and Noah doing the Dave Ramsey course to meet their finance requirement for high school.

One of my favorite things…


Rosie’s soccer team (Coached by Mr. Pete and cousin Paul) won the soccer championships!   She was very happy!

and then a few hours later she was at an All Saints Day Party


I am hoping to …

  • Get some flute practice done.
  • Start on my room. 
  • Get use to the time change! 

I am looking forward to...

  • A few big music rehearsals this year.
  • Noah hopefully getting a letter for cross country.
  • Voting on Tuesday!!

 A picture to share…

We have almost all of the hikes done this year!  Miss C. will be able to have her own walking stick

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1 Comment

  1. Reading your post made me miss those days of homeschooling! Have a blessed week 🙂

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