7-Quick Takes – a Sunday edition

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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1.  Noah finally got his letter for running cross country.
He was in the top seven of team runners for all of the races, he was almost two minutes faster than last year’s PR, he ran in the off season both winter and summer and participated in track.  This was something he really, really wanted and he was rewarded!

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All city team awards
He made all city varsity as well!

2.  Izzy and Noah went to a high school/homeschool dance on Friday night. We had always participated in the homeschool dances run loosly as part of our Catholic Homeschool support group.  But after last year’s experience, I wanted to try something different and just see how other homeschoolers were handling high school dances.

This dance was different in three main ways – (1) There was no demand for mail-in registration – they accepted walk ins! (2) There was no dress code other than “formal dress.” (3) No formal dance lesson before the dance – everyone just did their own thing.

There was no twerking.

There were cartwheels  – homeschoolers… always just a little different!

 The decorations were lovely

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and they had a lot of fun!

3.  Some young ladies who go to co-op with Izzy wanted to go to the dance and I offered to let them borrow some of our dresses, since we have been blessed with quite a few via the generosity of my niece’s collection of fine formal wear!

The one young lady ended up borrowing a dress that has its own story.  When Izzy got kicked out of the dance last spring, we quickly ran to the local department store and I found this dress on sale – a very lovely but expensive dressed marked down to a fraction or the original cost.  She didn’t end up wearing it because it had sheer netting on the bodice and we didn’t want to risk getting kicked out twice!   So our young friend borrowed it and it looked great on her!  Glad we could share.

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4.  Sometimes I feel like I lead a double life!   From the drama and excitement of teens to the innocence of my little girl and her friends.  It was another Little Flowers weekend!

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5.  Yesterday was the last day to get an plenary indulgence for the poor souls in purgatory.  So Mr. Pete and I headed out to Holy Cross Cemetery to do the stations of the cross usingThe Way of the Cross for the Holy Souls in Purgatory by Susan Tassone.   This is a very well written, thought provoking little book that really helps me to focus on each station, feel sorrow for my own sins, and pray for the soul I am praying for.  This year, I was especially praying for my grandpa and the remission of his sins and entrance into heaven.

Unfortunately, as we were finishing the stations and really feeling connected to God and inspired in out faith and full of love for our dearly departed, we were approached by two elderly Protestant women who wanted to “witness” to us about being saved. We smiled politely and listened for a while but I finally had to tell this lady that she was in a Catholic cemetery and what she was doing was in bad taste and offensive. It sort of put a damper on things.

6.   On a happier note, Sarah Folwer, the district 7 candidate for the Ohio State School board won re-election to her seat. Ms. Folwer is an energetic and hard working young woman (still in her 20s!) who came to speak to our homeschool group last August at my request about the Common Core standards.  She took some flack on Facebook for being “just a homeschooler” but she won with a very comfortable margin and I’m thrilled to be represented by her!  Way to go Sarah!

7.   And finally, although my oldest son is engaged we’re having trouble getting a wedding date and time. They want to get married in October, sweetest day – which is right at the very beginning of the championship season for Noah’s cross country season of his Senior Year!  I’ve heard that our son will rent us a hotel room so that Noah can get cleaned up and come right over to the wedding after the meet but I somehow think that’s going to be pretty stressful. I’m  hoping they decide to get married in September or November and stay out of October all together!  or maybe even have a Friday night wedding like Mr. Pete and I.  But they really want the fall colors in their wedding pictures (even though there’s a chance some of us won’t be in those pictures because of the conflict with cross country!)   Luckily Mr. Pete and Noah are trying to persuade Calvin on this as well so it’s not just me being the bad guy on this one!

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  1. As long as the meet is close, an evening wedding will probably work.
    Congrats on your son's letter. Don't overtrain in the winter. Will he go out for track? He wants that peak to hit regional weekend or state. My son's region was a more difficult run then state. His record still stands at his high school – 2003 🙂 It is exciting stuff! CC kids are fun to hang with.
    Are his teammates the brains as well ?

  2. A 10-year-old record – impressive!

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