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The Cesarean Complex Industry
I’ve had three Cesareans – only one was medically necessary.  My granddaughter was delivered via C-section because we have lost the skill in this country of delivering breech babies.  Here’s an interesting article that looks at the economics and the health risks behind this very common and very invasive medical procedure.

1. National Hospital Discharge Survey; CDC. 2. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology.4. Health Affairs; American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 5. Health Affairs;Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine; “The Cost of Having a Baby in the UnitedStates.” 6. PLOS ONE; Pediatrics; Clinical & Experimental Allergy; Diabetologia; “The Impactof Caesarian Section on the Relationship Between Inhalant Allergen Exposure andAllergen-Specific IgE at Age 2 Years.”According to one study, only 38 percent ofCesareans today have a clear medicalindication, such as a problem with the placentathat would make labor dangerous. The majorityof C-sections involve a mix of more-subjectivefactors and, ultimately, a doctor’s judgment call.Doctors may suggest surgery after weighingvarious factors that might argue against a vaginalbirth—say, a previous C-section (until recently,obstetrical guidelines discouraged vaginal birthafter Cesarean, ­or VBAC, for fear of rupturing auterine scar). OBs may also consider nonmedicalfactors such as scheduling: Cesareans are morepredictable than vaginal births.In the 20th century, Cesareans becamemuch less risky than they had been, thanks toantibiotics and improved techniques. But theyremained relatively rare until the 1970s, whenthe rate of C-section births began climbingsteeply, to today’s peak of one in three.Strangely, this increase hasn’t made birth saferoverall: after declining steadily through most ofthe 20th century, the maternal mortality rate hasactually been rising over the past few decades.From one hospital to another, C-section ratescan vary by a factor of 10, without any apparentinfluence on newborn health. This variationsuggests that hospital policies have a hugeimpact on delivery decisions. Avoiding unneces-sary C‑sections may not be a priority for allproviders—C-sections bring in about 50 percent more revenue than vaginal births do.Yet what’s good for hospitals in the short term may not be good for patients in the long term.

Ever wonder about the term “piss poor” and other old sayings and traditions? Here’s an interesting explanation. 

 Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and they still smelled pretty good by June.. However, since they were starting to smell . …… . Brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting Married.Read more at

Finally the left and the right can be united – against Common Core!

The idea behind Common Core is straightforward. Unlike nearly every other developed nation, the United States has set no standards outlining what American students should know by the time they graduate high school. For many states, that has meant setting the bar low and patting themselves on the back about how brilliant their students are. But it turned out many kids, particularly poor and minority students, were unprepared for college. The Common Core standards were meant to make sure kids in, say, Mississippi and New York all had the same basic level of competence in reading and math.
But the implementation has been a disaster. For starters, the 27-member committee that wrote the standards had few actual teachers on it, but plenty of representatives from the testing industry. Because it is illegal for the U.S. Department of Education to exert influence over state curriculums, the Bill Gates foundation stepped in and funded most of the effort. Even worse, the committee that wrote the standards no longer exists, and there are no formal procedures for amending them.

 Another teacher in a Catholic School who is surprised to be held to her actual contract!  And what’s worse – the lemming “social justice” students are supporting the teacher against the school.

Webb had taught at the Catholic girls’ school — run by IHM Sisters of Monroe (IHM) — for nine years before her firing in August. School administration had either not known, or had looked the other way, when she and her partner Kristen Las had a “wedding” ceremony in Windsor in 2012. But when Webb informed school administrators this summer that she was pregnant (presumably through in vitro fertilization), the school explained that she had violated the morality clause of her employment contract. She was offered the choice of being terminated or resigning with continued health insurance coverage through the school year and a non-disclosure provision.

Behold, the fruits of Lyndon Johnson’s war on poverty. 

Johnson’s War brought further progress, but progress then stopped. It stopped because government is not good at making a distinction between needy and lazy. It taught moms not to marry the father of their kids because that would reduce their welfare benefits. Welfare invited people to be dependent. Some people started to say, “Entry-level jobs are for suckers.” Many could live almost as well without the hassle of work.
Despite spending an astonishing $22 trillion dollars, despite 92 different government welfare programs, poverty stopped declining. Government’s answer? Spend more!

Dr. Suzanne Humphries on the vaccine dilemma.

Suffering the little children – about little kids at mass.  
About 17 years ago or so, I packed up my three little boys and drove an hour or so to a shrine with my homeschool group.  We were going to have mass and then listen to a talk by the priest, have lunch, explore the grounds and visit the gift shop.

My little boys were wiggle worms.  They messed with stuff, they played with the kneelers, they made each other laugh – typical stuff boys 8 and under will do.  But I felt great being surrounded by the love of the other homeschool moms and I loved the idea that the kids would get to play with their friends. I was also looking forward to an uplifting and encouraging talk by the priest.

It was not forthcoming.

Instead he took the opportunity to scold us for not controlling our children and while looking directly at me, said that children who could not sit still at mass were being disrespectful.  At that point, I respectfully got out of my seat, opened my stroller, plopped my baby’s butt into it and told the other boys, “We’re leaving.”  And with tears in my eyes, but my head held high, I left.  That priest was an idiot.

And I only had the courage to do that, because years and years before, my mother had been in a similar situation.  My sister was playing the pew and fell and bumped her face.  She let out a blood curdling scream but mom picked her up and held her and she calmed down. However, the priest in full vestments came up to my mom and told her he would not start mass until she took us out of the church.  My mom left and that is the first time I ever remember her NOT going to mass.

So it was very soothing to apply this to those old emotional scars:

I love having little kids at Mass. I love it when they are bored and pay no attention and squirm. I love it when they get distracted by a moth and spend five minutes following the moth’s precarious voyage among the lights. It’s all good. They are being soaked in the Mass. They hear the words and feel the reverence and maybe they even sense the food of the experience, you know? Sometimes people complain and make veiled remarks about behavior and discipline and decorum and the rapid dissolution of morals today and stuff like that but I have no patience for it. For one thing they were little kids at Mass once, and for another if there are no little kids at Mass, pretty soon there won’t be any Masses. You have to let kids be kids.I love having little kids at Mass. If you are distracted by a little kid being a little kid you are not focused on what’s holy. Little kids are holy. Let it be. My only rule is no extended fistfights. Other than that I don’t care about grapes and yawning. I think the cadence and the rhythm and the custom and the peace of the Mass soak into kids without them knowing it. That’s why a lot of the students here come back to Mass, I think—it sparks some emotional memory in them, and once they are back at Mass then they pay attention in new ways and find new food in it. It’s all good. The more the merrier. I don’t mind dogs when I celebrate Mass, either. For one thing they are generally better behaved than little kids, but for another I figure the Mass soaks into them too, and how could that be bad? You know what I mean?

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