Simple Woman

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Outside my window…

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Turtles on the towpath

I am thinking…
I wrote yesterday about how back in 1983 I totally ignored my mother’s 55th birthday because I thought I was too busy to even give her a call – and how my grandfather called me out on it!! Just as he should have.

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Well, what goes around comes around.  This year, which was my 55th birthday, one of my sons also completely ignored my birthday. I didn’t figure this all out until I did the math yesterday.  I just think it was so ironic.

And just as my Grandpa Calvin called me up to let me have it about not calling my mom, my son Calvin called his brother to take him to task for not calling me.

Just all of the parallels are so striking to me!

Incidentally, the prodigal son has since asked forgiveness and we have had several visits since then – so it’s all good.

I am thankful…

for my wonderful husband, Mr. Pete – who once again drove down to Steubenville with a van full of kids and luggage and then stayed there with all of the youth group for the entire weekend – all while battling a mysterious and very itchy (and ugly) rash on his leg (which turned out to be poison ivy again!).

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I’m also very grateful that my kids heard some great talks this weekend and that adoration was very moving for them.  I heard that even my daughter, who we like to call “heart of stone” around here because she NEVER cries for the sad parts in movies (except for the time Wilson the Volley ball floated away) was very moved during adoration this year.
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I’m also thankful that the priest who heard the confession of our non-Catholic friend who went with the youth group was kind and pastorly (is that a word?) towards her. So her first (unofficial) confession was a very good experience.

In the kitchen…
Some more recipes from this gem!!

Thinking of an orange fish recipe!

I am wearing…
shorts and the T-shirt that Mr. Pete got me as a Souvenier.

I am going…

  • to walk Monday – Thursday and try get some arm workouts in too.  
  • I’m also going to upload the kid’s piano recital but of course since I am now on Windows 7 I have to figure out how to do all of that. 
  • Take Rosie to swim classes. 
  • Pray for my math tutor and his family who will welcome twins this fall.
  • Really double down on my prayer time this summer – making morning prayer with divine office. com a habit!

I have the app on my Kindle and my cell phone.
I am pondering…

I am thinking of making my prayer corner a place in my room – but I need to clean a space for it first!

I am reading…

This week I am back to

From the Learning Rooms…

Noah took a practice test for CLEP US History 2 and is in striking distance of passing!!!

Izzy was accepted as one of 70 students into the art program for the City of Akron.  She will be working on a mosaic!  She is reading To Kill a Mocking Bird.

The three of us are reading Farewell to Arms.

Rosie starts swimming lessons.

One of my favorite things…

Sitting around the fire pit my oldest and his girlfriend gave us for Christmas, and just talking into the evening.

I am hoping…

  • Get some flute practice done.
  • Start pondering my curriculum choices for next year and get ready for the big convention this weekend. 
  • That Noah will be ready for the CLEP in American History 2 within the next few weeks. 
  • Get the classroom cleaned up. 

I am looking forward to...

Reunions with family members this summer.

A favorite quote for today…
“Many live like angels in the middle of the world. You, … why not you?” 
–St. Josemaria Escriva

A picture to share…

Father’s Day table – my father-in-law, my grandfather, Mr. Pete and the prayer card from my father’s funeral. 

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