Simple Woman

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I am thinking…
Do not put the words “menopause” and “grandmother” in the title of a blog post.  No one wants to read an old lady blog or read about old lady issues – got it.

I’m also thinking about the very beautiful and talented Amy Purdy, who is in the finals tonight in Dancing with the Stars. If you haven’t been watching this season, Miss Purdy contracted bacterial meningitis when she was only 19 years old.   She became gravely ill and her doctors only gave her a 3% chance of survival.  And she did indeed survive!!  She went on to win a bronze medal in the Olympics or snow boarding – and now she just might win Dancing With the Stars – with no legs!   Here is last night’s amazing free style performance.

I am thankful…
for brave people like Amy who aren’t afraid to put themselves out there to inspire and create beauty for the rest of us.

In the kitchen…
Shepherd’s pie with ground beef and butternut squash – and I made my own mayo from scratch too! All from this book!

I am wearing…
Black sweat pants from Target and a purple shirt from Women Within – both quite a few years old.

I am going…

  • to workout tomorrow and Friday.
  • to record one of my workouts.  My 55th birthday is coming up and I’ve been blogging about the workouts I’ve done for the last few years.  So just as something a little special, I’ll be videoing myself doing one of those workouts, adding some of my own dance touches, and if I’m not totally mortified by it – posting it here just for fun. 
  • To pay off some bills for the kids’ end of year things – like the trip to Franciscan with the youth group and the high school dance. 
  • be handing off my soccer league responsibilities. Part of me thinks I should offer to keep doing some of it but the rest of me thinks I should just let it go… 

 photo Letitgo_zpsfb97535e.jpg

Long-time readers might recall that I didn’t sign up for leadership for the league anyway – I read about it in an e-mail, that Mr. Pete had agreed to take it over!  Which would have been fine if Mr. Pete had been able to do all of the administrative work associated with it!  That fell to me! So I’m fine with just helping him with  lining the fields every week and bringing the goals and nets.  There are other things I have on my plate!

I am pondering…
the extent of the curse on the property I inherited from my father. It’s the curse that keeps on giving.  The words “defendant” and “retainer” are again in my daily vocabulary.

I am reading…

From the Learning Rooms…

Spelling program per Dr. Holinga for all three kids. We were pilot families for her program last year and it is finally going to be available to the public as Spelling U See.

AP U.S. History and American History course from For Such a Time as This,

American History
Lectures in American History from the Great Courses and Kahn Academy!

Noah  Excellence in Writing Course.  and Bravewriter Kidswrite Intermediate this spring.

Apologia Science –  Physical Science Izzy. Creation science Botany for Rosie  Noah is finished with Physical Science and will be concentrating now on preparing for the AP History test.

Noah and Izzy doing Geometry with Mr. D.  Rosie doing Saxon math with me. 

Izzy finished the Merrill Readers but continues in the Dianne Craft phonics program to remediate her reading. Blog post on that coming soon.

Farewell to Arms with Izzy and Noah.

  • Latin for Homeschoolers for Noah – he got an A!!
  • English from the Roots Up for Izzy.
  • Pathway readers for Rosie and the Wand for Language arts.

 Busy Times

I am hoping…

  • To work walking back into my exercise program now that it’s nice out.  Walked last Sunday about two miles and my hips actually hurt the next day.  You don’t think about walking as being much exercise, but it truly is!
  • Get some flute practice done.
  • Start pondering my curriculum choices for next year. 
  • That Noah will be ready for the CLEP in American History 2 within the next few weeks. 

I am looking forward to…
.Rosie and Noah’s piano recital – which will also be on my birthday this year – just like it was last year!.

A favorite quote for today…
In the second part of life you get rid of stuff you’ve accumulated.
Mikhail Baryshnikov

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  1. Sorry that the land just keeps on giving! Bummer!

  2. Thanks I know it's the land of enchantment, I think it's the land if irritability!

  3. I hate NM. I love getting rid of stuff! Looking forward to next move.

  4. LOVE the picture of the barn! Hopefully that's not the property that keeps on giving….

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