My Domestic Church – Links of the Day

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A public school education might not be all that it’s cracked up to be.   Check this out!

Regular Americans interviewed on Memorial day!

On Memorial Day, O’Reilly Factor correspondent Jesse Watters visited Jones Beach in Wantagh, N.Y, to find out whether the revelers there knew why they had the opportunity to spend the day at the ocean– and not at work or school.
“Do you know why you’re off today?” Watters asked.
“Why…” a young woman responded, visibly trying to think of the correct answer.
“America?” another guessed.

“Who did America fight in the Revolutionary War?” Jesse asked some other beachgoers: receiving answers including ‘France’ and ‘China’.
One man confused the battle for independence with the war our nation fought just under four score and seven years later.
“The Revolutionary War? [We fought] ourselves,” a young man said.

The reasoning for that 19th Century conflict also proved a conundrum to those on the beach.
“What was the Civil War about?” Jesse asked.
“I couldn’t be able to tell you,” a young black man answered.
One vacationer vaguely stated that the Civil War was fought over “civilization”.

An awesome 71-year-old with a concealed carry gets out of a hostage situation and gets the bad guys.

If anyone around Elliot Rodgers last weekend had been packing, the outcome might have been much different.

Rush Limbaugh was interviewed on the VA scandal this week and he makes an excellent point.

RUSH LIMBAUGH: Well, I think there have been problems in the VA that you could probably chronicle since the beginning of the VA, and the overriding problem is that this is something government just can’t do. Despite the best intentions, despite the best efforts, it’s something that a bureaucracy just can’t handle. And I think the ultimate solution to this is going to be farming out part of it, or maybe all of it, to the private sector. And the VA, I think the depth of this scandal, or the lesson of this scandal is just that: If you want to know where we’re headed as a country with health care, take a look at the VA, because this is the course that’s been charted if we don’t change it.

The great Ina Mae Gaskin on losing the fear of childbirth.

An awesome, common sense, down to earth approach to birth – a must-see for first time moms!

A healthy baby is not ALL that matters

Someone is finally saying it! Thank you!!

Two things – just to repeat: a healthy baby is the most important thing, AND it is not all that matters.
Women matter too. When we tell women that a healthy baby is all that matters we often silence them. We say, or at least we very strongly imply, that their feelings do not matter, and that even though the birth may have left them feeling hurt, shocked or even violated, they should not complain because their baby is healthy and this is the only important thing.
Not only do we turn a blind eye to the woman’s feelings, but by gaily proclaiming everyone ‘healthy’ we also ignore the complex relationship between mother and baby, and the impact of the birth experience on the future mental and physical health of both of them.
Too often women who say they care about the details of their baby’s birth day are accused of wanting an ‘experience’, as if it is selfish to care about how their baby is born, how they feel or how they are treated. But, as the saying goes, ‘when a baby is born, so is a mother’. If a mother feels broken, dispirited, depressed or traumatised, how will this affect her baby? Is this healthy?

Crohn’s disease association will never get me as a member. Any organization or doctor who won’t acknowledge the link between diet and a disease of the gastrointestinal tract is simply ridiculous.

Over the last few weeks, I have been increasingly frustrated by things I’ve been hearing. The hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup icing on the refined corn flour and high fructose corn syrup cake was when I was informed that deep fried Twinkies were served at the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada (CCFC) fundraiser. It is hard for me to stay rosey and just let that one go. I do pretty well, generally, at chalking up such silly actions to people simply doing the best they can with what they know. This, however, is the CCFC for goodness sakes. They should know better. They have oodles of donations worth of cashola in order to know better. Twinkies, hot dogs and soda pop at a Crohn’s walk is pretty much the equivalent of passing out ciggies at a cancer walk as far as contributing factors go for a worsened disease prognosis.

I am astounded by the effort and money people will throw at such organizations, who claim to be doing “research” to find “cures”. I am among thousands who are living evidence that a cure already exists and it’s pretty similar for many other health challenges and diseases too. Healing with whole foods, sadly, doesn’t create a revenue generating industry (unless we start paying our farmers what they deserve for the ‘medicine’ they grow for us).

Lastly, we homeschooling moms need to go over to The Busy Mom Blog and give her some applause- this was perfect!

Most of us took our children out of public school in search of something more, only to be hijacked by the world’s system—right there on the couches in our living rooms. We’re putting our kids into hyper-academic “homeschooling” programs and we’re allowing the pressure of the “what ifs” to determine what we teach our children. Yes. We’re falling for it. Does this sound familiar?We can’t read today, kids. We have too much math to do.Mommy would love to play with you; but you need to finish your schoolwork first. And don’t forget about yesterday’s work.We’ll do that later, after we do school.Where is your list of assignments from the co-op?
Our Bibles gather dust—or worse—become just another thing to check off of our curriculum checklist.* Read one chapter in Hebrews. *check here when done*So many homeschool moms today are suffering from burnout—and I get it. The pressure to do more is enormous. But I wonder … is all this “more” really what God had in mind when He called us to be different? Somehow, I don’t think He meant for us to bring our children home only to have our home life hijacked by a worldly philosophy of education. I don’t think God meant for us—or our children—to struggle under the weight of someone else’s idea of a “proper” education.I think—just maybe—He meant for us to be free.Free to read aloud. All day if we want to. Even with our high schoolers.Free to draw and create.Free to discover the beauty of Creation—unhurried—and without the expectation of a report that is due about our “discovery” at the end of the next day.Free to forget about preschool.Free to take a hot chocolate walk for no reason.Free … to know Him more.

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  1. Thought you'd want to know.
    From long ago AOL prayer board
    Kathy Smid and Teresa Lewis have both passed away. Teresa just passed away today. They both were our age. Sorry I don't remember their AOL names. They were not on debate.

  2. Their names don't sound familiar, but I'm sure I would remember their screen names. I'm so sorry to hear of this and I wish them both eternal peace. Thanks for letting me know Janette.

  3. Their names don't sound familiar, but I'm sure I would remember their screen names. I'm so sorry to hear of this and I wish them both eternal peace. Thanks for letting me know Janette.

  4. Teresa was Pieski
    Kathy was Kathy2225
    I think Kathy was only on the prayer board- not debate.

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