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  Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1.  Yesterday was Gabe’s last soccer game as a player for our homeschooling league – ever.  I’m glad he got the opportunity to play and I’m glad we even have the option.  Here are some of my favorite Gabe photos!
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Batman and Robin
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Love. this. picture.  Love it.  I might even get it framed.
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2.  Gabe was also the only “Dad” playing on the league.  The people in this Christian league have been nothing but supportive and kind to Gabe and the baby’s mom.  It’s a Christian league and they certainly have show Christ’s compassion and love to all of us this year.

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3.   That said, our time in leadership in the league is OVER. Which is a relief – although in some ways for me it’s a lot like having a child leave the home ya know… I still fret and worry over a few things and hope the new leaders can handle it, (although I’m sure they will do a terrific job!) It’s probably a mom thing – it’s hard to nurture something and then let it go – even if you really WANT to let it go.

We are continuing to line the fields every week and bring all of the nets and frames to the field every Saturday morning. So for the foreseeable future, the back of our van will like like this every weekend.
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Yep – that’s a homemade soccer net made from PCP pipe!

4.   An older lady friend of mine passed away last week and her funeral is Wednesday. Last time I saw her, she gave me a hug and then a little smack on the backside – which I probably deserved.  She was the FB friend who told me quite frankly that she believes in the separation of church and state, and that when she went in to vote, she separated the church part out and voted straight Democrat.

I was mortified.

She and I used to argue a bit on Facebook – she was a die-hard, liberal Democrat, so we had a lot to disagree about.  But it was always with spirit and respect.  I’m going to miss her  very much.

5.   Izzy and Noah take their standardized tests this week.  I normally don’t like to give tests like this in our homeschool, but I recognize that test taking is a skill in and of itself, and there is no better time to try it out than when the tests are just for informational purposes.  So we’ll see how it goes.

6.   I think I have to do something about this lilac bush.  When I was growing up, we had lilac bushes growing all over the place and we literally did nothing to them.  We didn’t water or prune them – we didn’t do anything!  So about 25 years ago I planted this bush and followed the same plan. But this one looks like it need some help.  I need to do some research on what I should do exactly! or if it’s a lost cause.

7.   Driver’s education for Noah starts on Tuesday.  He is doing very well driving our smaller car and our big van.  It will be such a relief to me next fall if he can drive himself to cross country practice!

For the first time ever, since I have had teen drivers, I will have a driver who is ready, able and (most importantly) WILLING to actually help me out sometimes – and even better – he’ll be here for two more years at least!   I’m almost giddy with the anticipation – and think of the possibilities- if I need something at the store, or if I have two kids who have to be at two places at the same time and Mr. Pete can’t help… I will no longer have to be late at one place or super early at another just to make everyone happy – and I am REALLY looking forward to that.

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