Simple Woman

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Outside my window…

 Father Lawrence Lew, OP on Flickr
I am thinking…
about the wonderful, full Easter weekend we just had, and about the funeral of my Great Aunt Grace.

The Easter Vigil was wonderful!  My brother-in-law of only 1 1/2 years was received into full communion with the Catholic Church. He and my sister both looked so very, very happy.  According to my sister, they both very much enjoyed the RCIA process and learned a great deal from our parochial vicar, Father Leonard.

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Izzy and Noah sang for the Easter Vigil and then the next morning they were back at church at 8:30 for the Easter Day Mass.  Then Mr. Pete and I played for the 11:00 mass on Easter Day.  We rushed home to have dinner on the table for our family and almost everyone showed up.   It was a memorable, family-filled day.

But before the sun went down, sis and I were in the car to start the eight hour drive up to Michigan for my Aunt’s funeral.  Like I said, it was a very full weekend.

I am thankful…
for the time along with my sister!  16 hours in the car!  It was a great chance to catch up with everything.

In the kitchen…
Left over ham and potato salad from Sunday!

I am wearing…
Black yoga pants and a green long-sleeved T shirt.

I am creating…
some normalcy after the busyness of Holy Week and the funeral trip.

I am going…

  • get the house picked up – because my idea of cleaning up after Easter dinner and Mr. Pete’s idea are apparently very different. 
  • Unpack.
  • Get back into the groove of my life.

I am pondering…
On the way home from the funeral, I asked my sister if she wanted to stop and see the grave our our grandparents and uncle.  Long time readers will remember that we grew up in an unusual household- it was my mother and us girls, with our maternal grandparents and bachelor uncle.  Anyway, sis had never been to the actual grave site before so we found the cemetery on her GPS and then set about looking for their graves.  I had a rough idea where they were but we weren’t having any luck finding them.

Finally I closed my eyes and said, “Grandma, if you want your granddaughter to see your grave site, please help us NOW!”  I opened my eyes, and instantly found it.  In fact we had parked practically right by it!  So sis and I got to pay our respects to our family there too.

My grandpa was Aunt Grace’s big brother.

I am reading…
various things on my Kindle.

I am hoping…

  • Get back into my exercise program.
  • Get some flute practice done.
  • Start pondering my curriculum choices for next year. 

I am looking forward to…
warmer weather!

From the Learning Rooms:
Getting back on track slowly this week.

I recently had a conversation with a young homeschooling mom.  She was so thrilled to be almost done with her curriculum for the year!  They would be done in April and not starting back until August (starting early so they can be done in April – which I don’t totally understand but that’s the way a lot of other homeschoolers do it).  Anyway, she asked me when I would be done.

“Never.”  I said.

“We homeschool all year long.  Because stuff always happens every year.  Someone dies, or a baby is born, or a sickness goes through the whole family, or there’s a computer problem, or a flood, or tornado or something.  It’s always something. And I don’t want to be fretting about not dealing with life on its own terms because I have to finish a math chapter or get my English book done. I learned years ago that it’s less stressful for me and for the kids if we just keep going and keep our schedule the same as much as possible.”

I don’t think she liked to hear that.

A favorite quote for today…
“Death ends a life, not a relationship.” 
― Mitch AlbomTuesdays With Morrie

A few of my favorite people…
My Family
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Aunt Grace
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