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  Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1.  With the demise of Windows XP support in a couple of days, I finally got my new computer with Windows 7 out of the box and got it all hooked up.  I’m at the point in my life that changing computers isn’t as much fun as it used to be – so many files and pictures that have to be loaded from the old computer to the new computer – as well as new drivers and my favorite version of Word.  Plus, I really liked XP and would have kept using it if it wasn’t quickly going to be obsolete.

I will say though that Mozy is doing a great job of downloading all my files to the new computer – even better than they did five years ago when they simply dumped a big link to my files entitled C. This time, everything is downloading pretty much in the fields I had them in, very neatly.  I am also enjoying Windows 7 so far.

2.  Track meets started this week for Noah, and tomorrow for Rosie. If you’ve never had the pleasure, let me describe track meets to you this way – they’re a lot like swim meets – hours of  waiting around for a few brief moments of fast paced action when your athlete competes – only instead of sweating buckets in a hot pool, you’re freezing in the grandstands or sitting in the car trying to keep warm.

3.   My sister moved away this week.  Not far.  She and her husband had to move into a small apartment since their home sold and their new house won’t be ready until the end of summer.  I loved her old house.  It was perfect for entertaining and sis did have the family over for big holidays and other events.  We had a lot of memories in that home.  It’s sort of the end of my little family nuclear family of Mom, sis and me.  We were sort of like three pearls on a string, just miles from each other in West Akron and I really found some comfort in that.

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But I’m looking forward to seeing her new house when it’s done this summer and I think it will be good for her and her hubby to live in the country side and have safer roads to ride their bikes on.

4.  My little granddaughter, Miss C, has figured out how to be entertaining on purpose.  She has a “fake” little laugh, that sounds a little like a hacking cough.  She figured out that if she does that, everyone looks at her, and then she pops a big smile on her face.  It’s as if she’s trying to say, “Look family, I’m funny too!”

We have her three afternoons a week and I think she is getting use to us more and more and we are getting use to her as well.  We are also learning to navigate our homeschool schedule around her.
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5.  The Jungle – we are down to the last there chapters – where Upton Sinclair goes off onto his homage to Socialism. This is one of those books I tell the kids, you have to be aware of  and know what it was about, but once you read it, you’ll never have to read it again, and you’ll be glad of that!

6. I continue in my quest for healthy foods to keep my ulcerative colitis away and still taste great for my family.  This was my latest find!

I just got it Thursday and I have been pouring over the pages!!  The SCD diet is very limiting but this book makes the possible combinations of the allowable foods to seem almost endless!! I’ll have lots of reports on this in upcoming weeks- orange fish for Friday I think!

7.  My little singing group at church has been trying to learn The  Easter Song for Easter Sunday.  Having never heard a version of this before, I have to say I wasn’t very impressed with the music and even found it

  • too 1970 ish
  • kind of mundane. 
But I finally got around to googling it and found this wonderful version of it by the composer. 

and this one by a huge choir.   Now I’m kind of looking forward to it!

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  1. My husband wakes the kids up every Easter morning with that Easter song! Keith Green was very anti-Catholic but I love this song and it reminds me to pray for his soul (he met an early death in a plane crash). I think this song is permanently etched in my kids' holy day memories though. 🙂

    Also, we just visited your parish for the first time a couple weeks ago for the EF Mass at 1:00. It was funny to stand in a church that I've seen on your blog for so many years now..lol.!

  2. Oh my gosh Melody! I'd love to meet you sometime. Let me know and I can stick around after 11 to say hi!. Do you know Lucia Ferrari? She goes to that mass – she's Izzy's art teacher!

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