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Scott Hahn’s newest book is out and since it ties the old and new testaments together, I bought it for Mr. Pete’s birthday.  As an old testament scholar I know he is really going to enjoy it!

Avid EWTN viewers have probably seen Bob and Penny Lord doing one of their fine programs.

Mrs. Lord passed a way this week. She will be greatly missed.


I don’t wear Spanx, but I do own the infamous Sausage Slip.  That’s kinda the same thing.  So I was interested in this article about the downside of wearing Spanx and compression garments. – Spanx is squeezing your organs!

Those with functional bowel disorders and irritable bowel syndrome should wear shapewear with caution. “In someone who has weakness down below and a tendency towards incontinence,” Dr. Kuemmerle explains, “increasing intra-abdominal pressure can certainly provoke episodes of incontinence.”
Dr. Erickson also notes that there can be a tendency for those wearing shapewear to not to want to go to the bathroom. “You’ve got all of this pressure on your bladder from the shapewear pressing down,” she says. “If you postpone urinating, it can cause stress incontinence, where you leak, or it can exaggerate stress incontinence with people who already have it.”

A very interesting list here of the requirements some of the top colleges have for home schooled students courtesy of Rhonda Roso. 

The blogger also publishes Copycat Books– a source for copy work in manuscript and cursive – looks very affordable and helpful!  See her free samples here!

Girl Scout cookie time!   and sadly, we’ll have to pass and I’d encourage you all to do the same!

Girl Scouts USA (GSUSA) is a member of the Coalition for Adolescent Girls, whose international and national agenda specifically supports abortion-related care for adolescent girls. GSUSA is also a core member of the National Council for Research on Women, which supports abortion rights and comprehensive sex ed. GSUSA maintains membership in the National Collaboration for Youth, an organization that promotes comprehensive sexuality education, opposes abstinence-only education, and seeks to ensure access to contraception for all, regardless of age. Widgets

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