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Since her mama is going back to work, at least part time, we are watching my granddaughter a few half days a week. She is a pretty agreeable baby, only crying when she really needs something.

I’m going to start something that my mother did when my kids were little. Mama had a toy box at her place that she filled with toys for the kids. These were special toys that they could only play with at her place and they weren’t allowed to take them home. My kids still remember that.

So I bought a few things for the baby to have here and I hope to have quite a cornucopia of baby things for her to play with so that her visits to our house will be special to her.

And if it looks like my oldest daughter is always wearing that sweatshirt whenever I take a picture of her holding the baby – it’s because she is! She loves that shirt and in this arctic weather, it’s the only one that makes her feel really warm!


Izzy did indeed start the fourth course of the Wilton Cake Decorating courses last Sunday. I went ahead and got her the bag so that she could organize her stuff. I don’t know if she will really need to bake a cake for this case or not, but she is sure learning how to make some interesting and beautiful flowers!

My hope is that Izzy can make baptism or first communion cake for people in the parish once we get the word out!

3. This yummy looking dish is Shepherd’s pie that I made following the Wheat Belly 30-Minute (Or Less!) Cookbook.

That white stuff on top? It’s not mashed potatoes! It’s cauliflower. It was still delicious, but a little different. It’s going to take some getting use to.

Isn’t this beautiful?  It’s a  chalice that was commissioned for our parish by our original pastor.  At the time, he requested that all of the women in the parish donate diamonds from their jewelry that they weren’t wearing.  It looks like many of the ladies complied!  You can read more about that and see some other pictures here.  I got to see it because it was displayed for our patron’s feast day last weekend.  It is truly beautiful and my phone’s camera did not really do it justice!

5.    Rosie will be starting art class on Saturday – she is so excited.  It would be easier for me if she could go on Wednesday like her sister, but frankly, I was afraid that they would fight and bicker too much.  And since the art teacher thinks so highly of Izzy, I didn’t want to blow that illusion!  This way it also keeps art day special for Izzy and special for Rosie to go their two separate days.  SO for now anyway, that’s what we’re going to do!

6     We are slogging through Billy Budd!  Finally 75% done!  It truly is a difficult read.

7.    When Mama died, she left behind A LOT of sheet music for piano and organ.  Most of it is too advanced for my current piano students and even Sam only scratched the surface of it when he was still playing. But I can’t throw it out.  I just can’t.  I keep hoping that some day, either Noah or Rosie will be able to play most of it.  But since 2009, I have had this music sitting in milk crates and a big storage box, not in any particular order.  And it sort of made my living room look tacky – like a dorm room or  worse.  So last Saturday Mr. Pete and I bought a cabinet to house all of this music and it fit!  I have it organized for advanced piano music, student music. show tunes, and even some room for my flute music.  I think it looks nice next to the piano and it certainly de-cluttered the living room.

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  1. What a cutie, she sort of looks like Calvin, isn't that funny, the way family resemblances are so unpredictable! I bet you're just over the moon having her there!

  2. I think she has my Lithuanian nose, and the cheeks and chin are definitely like my other babies, including Calvin. Her eyes are from her mama and other grandma though. She's a nice combination.

    In all honesty, I don't get to hold her that much. She gets here and her aunts and uncle are all. over. her! I have to wait my turn – which usually comes around diaper changing time.

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