My domestic links of interest

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They’re changing up the American Girl doll series- and not for the better! Those old American Girl dolls will probably sell for a pretty penny in a few years if you can find them.

Representative Renee Ellmers is fantastic in this exchange with Kathleen Sebelius on health care. Wish we had many more just like Ms. Ellmers in the house and senate!

I don’t think I mentioned last week that my granddaughter was born via Cesarean section because she was breach. So even though her mother was five centimeters dilated in active later, she had to be drugged up and have major surgery because – we don’t know how to deliver breach babies any more.

During the past decade, there has been an increasing trend in the United States to perform cesarean delivery for term singleton fetuses in a breech presentation. In 2002, the rate of cesarean deliveries for women in labor with breech presentation was 86.9% (1). The number of practitioners with the skills and experience to perform vaginal breech delivery has decreased. Even in academic medical centers where faculty support for teaching vaginal breech delivery to residents remains high, there may be insufficient volume of vaginal breech deliveries to adequately teach this procedure (2).

If you want to see a great natural breach delivery see Ina Mae Gaskin’s film, Birth Story.

This story about pianist Maria Joao Pires captured my attention! Any soloist musician lives in dread that something like this is going to happen to them one day. Ms. Pires comes through though! Remarkably.

This is one of my new favorite blogs- Against the Grain.  It’s written by a young woman who had severe ulcerative colitis and set about curing herself naturally with food because her system was not tolerating the medications. I bought her cookbook

and I am really interested in making up a batch of her bread!

With the 50th anniversary of President Kennedy’s assassination coming up, I have found tons of articles coming up in my news feeds. This one was pretty interesting – it is about Jackie Kennedy’s iconic pink suit – the one she was earing in Dallas that morning. Turns out that suit had a lot of wear before going to Dallas.

Here it is with a blouse in 1961.

 It also turns out that we’ll all have to wait 100 years before anyone can see it – or until Caroline Kennedy changes her mind and decides to hang it in the Kennedy Library.

Lastly, I found this e-book entitled, How I Earned My Bachelor  Degree by 18, by Calvin Lyman.  I have been interested in this topic for a number of years now.  Turns out Mr. Lyman’s total expenses for his degree was only $20,000. 

It goes on sale today so if you are interested start clicking here – The first 50 copies are only 50 cents!

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