7-Quick Takes- the early Sunday Edition

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  Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary.

1. I am soooo grateful for this gorgeous fall weather we are having this year! Mid-October and mild temperatures – just beautiful!
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2. Yesterday was the City-wide Cross Country Championships for high school students and because the new Ohio Law for Homeschoolers participating in public school sports and other activities- Noah was able to run in the championships UNDER HIS OWN NAME!!! I can’t tell you how long I have been praying for this – well actually I can – about 18 years since I first started homeschooling. So he ran. And it was a tense, exciting dash at the finish line for 9th and 10th place, all three of these young runners knowing that 11th place would put one of them out of the medals.


Noah told me all he could think about was all of his hard work all season, and not being able to run under his own name at the beginning of the season – and he decided he just wanted that medal – even 10th place.

and he got it by a hair!
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The JV champs 1-10

4.  Rosie’s cross country season is over and we will have her little party tonight.  I am really going to miss these kids, those practices, walking in the parks – just all of it.  I do every year.  It’s a small grief in a way as we transition out of fall sports and into Christmas music preparations.

But I am going to miss this.
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and this
October 2013 100

and lots of this!
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5.  I still have three weeks of this left though…
September 2013 176

6. So now it’s time for me to start playing my flute again. I took an extended leave of absence -have only played once since July so time to get my lip back. I even had a dream that I opened my flute case and my flute was covered in French Dressing – I have no idea what that means.

7. This week in homeschooling I think we shall finish The Pearl by Steinbeck and The Long Winter from the Little House Series – both are profoundly affecting the discussions in my family. Mr. Pete and I have even had discussions about both of them just before bedtime. Especially The Long Winter – and I find that I have developed a profound dislike for Charles Ingalls for what he has put his family through. He just can never be the man I thought he was since reading this book.I’ll explain more this week.

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