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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary
1. Yesterday was our 34th wedding anniversary, but Mr. Pete and I started dating four years before that!  We actually became an item on August 11, 1975 – the first day of band camp at Michigan State University.  He asked me to dance at the mixer that night – and the rest is history!  The two slow dances I remember – Jefferson Starships “Miracles”  and Led Zeplin’s “Stairway to Heaven.”  After that – we were a couple!
August 1975 Calendar

2. Truth be told, I had my eye on Mr. Pete for most of the summer and had made up my mind to get his attention at band camp.  My sister and I had our bikini bathing suits but we weren’t allowed to take them to camp – but sis had a friend who was willing to “sneak” them out for us, and so the contrabanded bathing suits made it to the camp.  And we wore them.

But for some reason, I could NOT get Mr. Pete to come to the pool for the entire week and although by the end of the week I was positive we were going together, I couldn’t figure out why he wouldn’t at least want to cool off in the amazing university swimming pool after rehearsals.  Turns out he was afraid that I would find his very pale skin and lack of under arm hair to be a turn off!

Which just goes to prove boys and girls, that if someone is acting strangely it’s probably NOT about you.  Everyone has their own issues.

My sister and her hubby, and my nephew and his date, joined us for an anniversary dinner last night.  Food, laughter, memories and champagne!   And then sis took these pics of us on her phone!  Not bad for 34 years of marital bliss Mr. Pete!  Not bad!
  anniversary 34 years


4. My sister and I have had our ups and downs through the years.  We were each other’s best friends and playmates growing up, and also each other’s nemesis.  But during the best of times or the worst of times, we have each other’s back.  No matter what. Without question. There are three people in my life that I respect, admire and seek wisdom from – and my sister is on that very short list.  So I was very touched to read this on my FB page yesterday.

Happy anniversary. I have loved watching you two grow up together, grow closer to Christ together, and grow closer to each other in the process. Cheers!

I love you sister.

4.  Of course she also wrote:
“And I have forgiven you for that bridesmaid dress.”

5. Noah accidentally ran 10 miles yesterday.  I have no experience or understanding of how one could “accidentally” run and run and run and then realize, “oops! too far!”  but that’s what happened to him.  10 miles in about 1 hour and 45 minutes at his comfort pace.  And the coach wants to take him to the state time trials next weekend!

6. It looks like I am going to have a half-empty nest this year.  Calvin is moving to Cleveland to be closer to his job – perhaps to the historic warehouse district. Sam is looking at a place right above his job, and Gabe wants to move into a rental house.  The only problem for Gabe is, that he has one more year of high school to finish, so we have to figure that out.  But it will be odd to only have my three younger kids and we have the potential to give each one of them their own room – for the very first time!

7. Pilgrimage ya’ll – today we travel to St. Mary’s in Wooster!  Pics to follow!

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