7-Quick Takes – the Holy Cow it’s next week already- edition

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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary

1. The punishing month of May continues! Although the weekend was supposed to be somewhat restful, we still had to get up at 7 on Saturday to go get the soccer nets and frames out of Mr. Pete’s storage area, take them to the field and set up, then go get our kids ready to play soccer, play soccer until 11, and then take all the nets and frames down.

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2. Then blissfully there was nothing until 4. Well 4:15 actually, which is the time I realized Noah was supposed to serve 4:30 mass, ran down stairs to see if he was ready to discover he wasn’t even in the house! I did find him and we were able to make the 6 minute drive to church in about 4 to church just as the church bells were ringing, but before the priest et al had left the sacristy to process up for the first hymn!

3.  Back on the home front, Izzy was making peanut butter cookies to take to the annual Homeschool Dance!  Around 5:30 she came down in her beautiful dress with these ugly black shoes on – because she had lost the mate to her beautiful sandal!!   UGGGGHHHH!!!!  So I grab Izzy and we run to pick up Noah and then we make a super fast trip to Gabriel Brothers to get her some more shoes that at least look as if they are somewhat in touch with the rest of her outfit!!!!
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4.  Then Noah has to go home and get dressed for the dance, which started at 6:30 p.m.  We made it there by 6:45. And they had a blast.
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5.  Sunday Morning, Mr. Pete and Rosie had their very last PSR meeting- complete with the rosary.  Mr. Pete had to lead the singing and rosary recitation for that since he is the most senior of all PSR teachers with 11 years of service in.  Then he had to cantor for mass – and if you were at Pentecost mass yesterday, you might have noticed there was a bit more singing than usual!

6.  Then Mr. Pete and I had to perform at a Memorial Service at a local church for all of the hospice patients who had died this past year.

7.  And then we collapsed.  After getting the groceries, fixing dinner and getting the wall air conditioner in.  And I didn’t even mention getting Gabe to a soccer game to ref, only to have it cancelled, and then trying to reach my sister to let her know she didn’t need to pick him up at the field!!

Luckily next week we only have soccer championships and the prom…

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  1. Things are quite here. Requesting prayers for my daughter Wednesday. My grandson – who is now transverse again- will arrive at 1 pm at the regional hospital. I think we are ready. We have been praying to St Gerard to interven for a very long time.

  2. *quiet …I guess they are quite as well 🙂

  3. I will add my prayers too for a save delivery of your grandson and quick recovery for your daughter!

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