7-Quick Takes – the Sunday Edition

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Join Jen and the other Quicktakers over at the Conversion Diary
1. Izzy’s confirmation sponsor is also her art teacher. We met her about four years back when we started to take lessons at a local art gallery. Long-time readers might remember how sad I was that art classes at the local community center were discontinued because of city budget cuts.  In hind sight, that turned out to be a blessing in disguise because Izzy has done so well under Lucia’s guidance.

Lucia’s first language is Italian, but she also speaks French and Latin.  We learned a bit about her family life in Italy growing up the baby of a large family, and also about her love for art and teaching.  Izzy is very blessed to have this kind woman take a special interest in her.
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2. My little girl all grown up! I bought her dress at a Macy’s sale. I never shop at Macy’s but my sister dragged me to the sale and since the dress was a very reasonable price, I bought it for her – thinking she will have many chances to wear such a lovely dress. Her cover I bought on sale at Walmart and the shoes I got at a discount store. The shoes were covered with a velveteen substance but that started to wear away. Izzy diligently rubbed all of the velveteen off of the shoes and they looked pretty nice without it!

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3. My whole family was there!
Calvin, Sam, Gabe, Noah, Izzy and Rosie March 2013

4. Izzy’s best friends were there too!
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Izzy and the girls at her confirmation

5. The timing of everything was very exact! I had to pick up the cake by noon. I popped the macaroni and cheese into the oven around 3:15. An hour later we picked up Lucia, and at about the same time Sam was bringing the beer-battered fish from the Pizza shop. We ate around 4:30 and had plenty of time to chat before we had to be over to church for group pictures and to save a seat!!

In years past we used to go to Yocono’s family restaurant after confirmation, but last year they were closed so we went to the reception at the school after confirmation. I didn’t care for it. Not that the reception wasn’t lovely, it’s just that with minimal tables and lots of people it wasn’t really as intimate as I would have liked. And although this year Yocono’s re-opened (as a Mexican Restaurant!) I just thought it would be easier to satisfy our Lenten requirements and have  more chances to visit and celebrate if we did dinner and cake at home.

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6. And it all lead up to this!

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7. Izzy with her sponsor Lucia and her mom and dad
So now 5 of my 6 kids are confirmed. And a first communion is coming up fast this spring!!

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